Title: Botox Injections Los Angeles
1Botox Injections
2What is botox? How does botox work?
Botox is a drug made from a neurotoxin produced
by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum called
botulinum toxin. It is used medically to treat
certain muscular conditions and cosmetically
remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles.
3The origin of botox
The inactive instance of botulinum toxin,
Clostridium botulinum organism and its spores,
are located in nature worldwide in both forest
and cultivated soils, sediments of lakes,
streams, coastal and untreated waters.
4How does it work?
Botulinum toxin can be injected into humans in
extremely small concentrations and works by
preventing signals from the nerve cells reaching
muscles, effectively leaving the muscles without
instructions to contract, therefore paralyzing
5How does it work?
Botulinum toxin can be injected into humans in
extremely small concentrations and works by
preventing signals from the nerve cells reaching
muscles, effectively leaving the muscles without
instructions to contract, therefore paralyzing
6Medical and cosmetic uses
Botulinum toxin's main claim to fame is that it
will appear to iron out wrinkles and lines in
aging faces. More than just a vanity product, it
can be useful for treating a variety of medical
conditions ranging from eye squints to migraines,
excess sweating to leaky bladders.
7Approved therapeutic uses for botulinum toxin
Blepharospasm (spasm of the eyelids)
Idiopathic Rotational Cervical Dystonia (severe
neck and shoulder muscle spasms)
Chronic Migraine
Severe Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis (excessive
Strabismus (crossed eyes)
Post-Stroke Upper Limb Spasticity
8Off-label uses
Idiopathic Rotational Cervical Dystonia (severe
neck and shoulder muscle spasms)
Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction
Cerebral Palsy
Oromandibular Dystonias
Laryngeal Dystonia
9How is the procedure performed?
The botulinum toxin is administered by diluting
the powder in saline (sodium chloride) and
injecting directly into neuromuscular tissue, The
toxin requires 24-72 hours to take effect,
reflecting the time necessary to disrupt the
synaptosomal process.
10How is the procedure performed?
Transient numbness
Influenza-like illness
Brachial plexopathy
Gallbladder dysfunction
Mild nausea
Neck weakness
Blurred vision