Title: Laura Murphy St Charles IL
1Laura Murphy St Charles IL - Caring for Patients
Laura Murphy of St Charles IL is a registered
nurse who works at St Charles General Hospital.
She says that as a nurse, it is her job to
provide health care to the patients that come
through the St Charles General system. She
studied nursing at Western Illinois University
and Illinois State in Chicago and graduated in
2007. When she has some time off, she enjoys
running, rock climbing, and pulling weeds in her
organic garden.
2Laura Murphy St Charles IL - Computer Training
Laura Murphy of St Charles IL has been a
registered nurse at St Charles General Hospital
since 2008. She trained at Western Illinois
University and Illinois State in Chicago. She
also has a degree in Computer Science from
Western Illinois University and wrote about
computer training for nearly ten years before
deciding she would be happier doing something
else. She is a single mother of two daughters,
and enjoys running, rock climbing, and organic
3Laura Murphy St Charles IL - Former Technical
Laura Murphy of St Charles IL is a registered
nurse, and is totally committed to her
profession. She came to nursing later than many,
having first spent ten years as a technical
writer. But she concluded that writing user
manuals was not her life calling, and enrolled in
Western Illinois University and Illinois State in
Chicago. She completed her studies there in 2007
and was licensed by the State of Illinois the
same year. She began working at St Charles
General Hospital in 2008 and has been there ever
4Laura Murphy St Charles IL - Working From Home
Laura Murphy of St Charles IL spent nearly ten
years working from home via the Internet, and
says that telecommuting allowed her to earn a
good income and provide for her children, and
also be close to them. She was a technical writer
for a small software company in Chicago, and says
that she was lucky because the company not only
allowed, but encouraged telecommuting. She is
currently working as a registered nurse.