Title: Sean Ringgold - Dedicated Actor
1Sean Ringgold - Dedicated Actor
Sean Ringgold was born in Rockaway Beach, Queens,
and is best known for his portrayal of Shaun
Evans on ABCs television show One Life to
Live. He has been active in One Life to Live
for over six years while at the same time being a
dedicated philanthropist. Additionally, his
acting career has seen him work with numerous
A-list actors and celebrities, including Tom
Cruise, Jessica Alba, Jamie Fox, 50 Cent, Halle
Berry, and Ice Cube.
2Sean Ringgold - A Rising Star
Sean Ringgold was born in Rockaway Beach, Queens,
and is best known for his portrayal of Shaun
Evans on ABCs television show One Life to
Live. He has been active in One Life to Live
for over six years while at the same time being a
dedicated philanthropist. Additionally, his
acting career has seen him work with numerous
A-list actors and celebrities, including Tom
Cruise, Jessica Alba, Jamie Fox, 50 Cent, Halle
Berry, and Ice Cube.
3Sean Ringgold - Volunteer and Philanthropist
Sean Ringgold is known for his career in acting,
but he is also a prominent advocate of volunteer
work and charity involvement. Ringgold has
starred in numerous major film productions,
including in the film, Notorious in which he
portrayed CEO of Death Row Records, Marion Suge
Knight. Sean loves to volunteer his time to good
causes he has participated in HeartShare of New
York as a youth mentor and has voiced his support
and has spoken on behalf of numerous causes.
4Sean Ringgold - Happy to Help
As an actor, Sean Ringgold gets to entertain,
delight and intrigue people every day. He loves
his chosen career and couldnt be happier getting
to do what he loves. Ringgold is best known for
his six-year portrayal of Shaun Evans on ABCs
One Life to Live. Ringgolds roles are diverse
in nature and he has been involved with many
professional film productions, including the
movie, Notorious, and the television shows like
Gossip Girl, 30 Rock, and Law Order.