Title: Slipka Trading
2Our Services
- Broker Assisted
- Online Trading
- Quotes And Quality Research
- New to Trading
3Broker Assisted
Our team of brokers have a great deal of
experience in identifying and quantifying risk.
and our brokers will serve as an extra hand in
measuring the risk clients are being exposed to.
Our brokers also assist clients in the managing
of positions and execution of orders, both of
which carry their own sets of risks.
4Online Trading
Slipka Trading offers several electronic trading
options for clients, some of which are web-based
while others are software platforms downloaded to
your PC. A trading platform will provide
real-time access to quotes, charts and data as
well as order entry capability.
5Our Quotes Researches
Name Month Last Change
Corn 15-Mar 397-0 -8
Soybeans 15-Jan 1051-2 -2
Crude Oil WTI 15-Feb 48.71 0.78
Gold 15-Jan 1211.8 -7.5
Silver 15-Jan 16.495 -0.108
E-Mini SP 500 15-Mar 2022.5 28
DJIA mini-sized 15-Mar 17514 224
CME Cotton 2 15-Mar 0.6020s -0.0051
Name Month Open High Low Last Change Trade Time
Gold 15-Jan 1219 1219 1212 1211.8 -7.5 092628 CST
Silver 15-Jan 16.48 16.5 16.48 16.495 -0.108 111952 CST
High Grade Copper 15-Jan 2.792 2.807 2.791 2.795 -0.009 111242 CST
Platinum 15-Jan 1220 1222 1219 1218.9 -1.9 100100 CST
Palladium 15-Jan 0 800.4 800.4 800.40s 7.2 1/6/2015
6Contact Us
Full Address 301 4th Avenue South Suite 580,
Postal code 15105 City Minneapolis
MN Country USA Telephone 612-371-4977
7Thank You