Title: Yogesh Patel Santa Cruz
1Yogesh Patel Santa Cruz Family Man
Yogesh Patel Santa Cruz believes that his loving
family is the foundation upon which his success
has stood. He is married to Amaya, a beautiful
woman that he met while teaching in Japan.
Together, they are the parents of two children,
Ken and Sunny, who both reflect the smarts of
their parents through getting good grades and
being involved in school.
2Yogesh Patel Santa Cruz Teacher
As an ESL Teacher, Yogesh Patel Santa Cruz is an
outstanding educator who has been a positive
influence for many young people throughout the
world. He has traveled the world while sharing
the benefits of knowing a foreign language with
elementary, middle and high school students in
other countries. He has taught in Asia, Europe,
South America and North America.
3Yogesh Patel Santa Cruz Talented Cook
Ever since he was a young boy, Yogesh Patel Santa
Cruz has always loved to cook. He is very skilled
in the kitchen, and can create some exquisite
recipes that could rival that of any five star
restaurant. He has a blend of worldly influences
in his cooking, and he applies the all through a
handful of methods and flavors that define his
unique style.
4Yogesh Patel Santa Cruz Snowboarder
Yogesh Patel Santa Cruz has been a snowboarder
his whole life, and he has enjoyed his favorite
hobby all across the globe as he worked as an
expert teacher. No matter whether he is on
groomed trails or in the backcountry, he is very
skilled at the sport and is not scared to take on
challenging terrain. For the most part, he
prefers the park though.