Title: Abacus Desk SEO and Social Media Presentation
Abacus Desk
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process
of Improving the visibility of a website or a web
page in search engines "Natural", or un-paid
("Organic" or " Algorithmic) search results.
2Fun Facts
3.5 People
Look up SEO on Google every Second..
of online traffic to business websites comes from
search engines.
865 Million
of companies expect to increase their SEO budget.
of Websites globally mention "SEO"
3Why you need SEO ?
SEO is an important inbound marketing tool, Since
every one is looking for information related to
business service or product online. Being found
on search results is an option you cant overlook.
Internet has global reach so not only you can
serve your local customers, you can also eye the
global market as well. Since its all integrated,
SEO does wonder to your brand reputation.
- The bottom line is that inbound marketing is one
of the most effective and inexpensive branding
exercise. It improves customer confidence on your
product, it increase your market reach and it
also works for you 24x7. Abacus Desk helps you
realize the true potential of the Internet using
effective SEO and Social Marketing.
4Market Share of Search Engines
- Google is the Master of Search !
04 ASK
- Google is truly considered as the gateway to the
internet. Its most preferred search engine
followed by Bing / Yahoo. Such is the might of
Google that Yahoo and Bing had to join hands to
compete in search advertising and they are still
distant second to Google. Abacus Desk has
certified partnerships with both Google and Bing
to get you the best of both worlds.
23 Yahoo/Bing
73 Google
5Knowing Your Target user.
52 Men
48 Women
Women are close second but are more spenders
compared to men.
Male are the leading users of internet and thus
are majority consumers of search results.
- With the option to profile your users Internet
Marketing helps you to penetrate even deeper than
you can ever imagine. Abacus Desk can help you
micro target your user based on Language, Gender,
City, Country, Device type and even by the
content they like to consume.
6Targeting the Right Users
- Search Engines are most effective medium to reach
your TG
- Targeting specific user profiles is a huge
advantage that comes with internet marketing.
Abacus Desk uses the content marketing and social
media marketing to target the audience which can
get easily converted to more business.
75 users find a website via Search Engines
7What does it takes !
- An effective SEO campaign should cover all the
tactics. You need to have quality content
presence and user engagement across all
platforms. Abacus Desk has a team of experts
which will strategize your campaign and will get
your brand positive recognition signals across
all platforms.
SEO Tactics
8Agency/Consultancy type
- INDIA has the most concentration of web design
Agencies unlike the west where the SEO and Online
Advertising concept is more prominent. Abacus
Desk is the preferred inbound marketing agency
for businesses in US and Canada.
SEO Consultancy Web Design Consultancy Viral
Marketing Advertising S.Media Marketing
95 Key SEO Service Areas
Social Media
Engaging users on Social media and optimizing the
presence on social media
Content marketing
Understanding the market and current traffic
Creating and distributing quality content like
blogs, videos, graphics and presenations.
Link building
Fine tuning the website and landing pages for
Networking and opportuniites to build quality
10Web Marketing Process
43 Search Engine Marketing
28 Social Media Marketing
19 Paid Marketing
10 Article Marketing
Web Marketing varies a from one campaign to the
other, but the thumb rule for every campaign has
to cover all these techniques in varied quantity
depending on campaign requirements.
11Main Factors of SEO
Off-page Factors
On-page Factors
Community Managers
Social Networks
Marketing Stuff
12The 360 Degree SEO
- The challenge to get consistent rankings and
traffic is to cover all the channels and
platforms. They say if Content is the King the
Distribution is the queen. We at Abacus Desk have
this unique approach to distribute content across
all platforms and to get maximum visibility.
13Top 5 Analytics
Google Analytics WordPress Stats Omniture Kiss
metrics Compete
Top 5 Analytics Tools
- Its very important to use the analytics from
various sources correctly deduce the
effectiveness of any campaign. Abacus Desk uses
the top Analytic tools to be on top of the game.
We have google certified analytics professionals
in our team.
14Geo Targeting
- Geotargeting is another huge advantage with SEO
Content Social Media Local SEO Paid Search
Advertising Display Advertising
- Abacus Desk uses the best tools available to
positing your brand in the intended geo
locations. We have strategic partnerships with
brands which helps us to achive this.
Targeting Tools
15Networking with Thought Leaders
- 9 out of 10 people read reviews online before
making any purchase decision.
- Information makes people powerful, they like to
make well informed decisions and do like the
process of doing research before any purchase. - Abacus Desk gets your business content amplified
by the thought leaders in your industry, With
positive reviews from the high Authority blogs
you are bound to get better conversion rates.
Thought Leaders are Great Resources to amplify
the content.
16The SEO Pyramid
- 245 Million People in
- India use the internet
On-site User, Engagement, Social Media, Viral
Link creation, Scalable, Content-based Link
- We are still just 14 of our total population.
Its only gonna go up from here. Internet is the
major influencer and your cant ignore it. We at
Abacus Desk leave no stone unturned to get you on
top of contextual search results. We do quality
content, link building and social media marketing.
Keyword brainstorming, Anchor text, H1s, Metas,
URL structure, Sitemaps, Bot Accessibility...
17Top 5 SEO Channels
The Most important Web Marketing Channel - 2015
Online Advertising Search Engines
Optimization Video Marketing Social Media
Marketing Pay Per Click
- Social Media Marketing tops the most important
web marketing channel, This is a trend which will
not go down. We might see a increase in the Pay
Per Click campaigns as they provide instant
results. But SEO still is a good investment as it
does wonder to brand reputation.
18Winning Web Presence
- Its every where and its got you thats why its
called web
Browser Friendly Search Friendly Mobile
Ready Online Reputation Social Presence
- Information technology is effecting our lives in
more way than we can imagine. Its fuelling
business growth, and driving innovation. We are
Abacus Desk are aware of the core idea of a
winning web presence, It should cover all bases
from being browser friendly to having a great
social engagement.
Essentials of a Winning web Presence
19Mobile SEO
- 117 Million People in India use the Mobile
- This is too big a market to be ignored, Smart
phones have been the biggest driver of Social
media and web to the masses. - So it becomes all the more important to have a
website which is mobile ready and thats why we
have experts in responsive web design and web
Your Mobile Site
Next Big Growth
100 Users
20Social Media Marketing
- Social Lead Conversion rate is 13 Higher than
the average lead conversion rage.
- Social Media has changed the marketing landscape,
Elections are won using social media. Its too
important to ignore. - We know that social media plays a huge role in
your brand positioning thats why we are partners
with Social Media Giants like Facebook
Online users rely on social media for their
buying decisions
21Search Engine Word Map
Over 05 Billions
Over 09 Billions
Over 10 Billions
Over 03 Billions
Over 09 Billions
Over 02 Billions
Global searches being conducted every month
22The Short Cuts to Avoid
Paid links
Link Spam
- Search Engines are growing smarter, they are
developing a better understanding of human
behavior. Google is quick to penalize all the
shortcuts like keyword stuffing, paid links and
cloaking. We are Abacus Desk only use Ethical SEO
techniques to get you promoted and that is
creating quality content and engaging your users
23Get in Touch
Address (Head Office) 5E/7 B.P Railway Road.
Faridabad 121001
Web Website www.abacusdesk.com Email
Phone Mobile (91 ) 9350059390 Phone (0129 )
Social Media Twittertwitter.com/abacuswebdesignFa
cebook facebook.com/abacusdesk
Skype You can set up an Online chat with us via
Skype 24/7 Username manumayank12
Network New York (1 ) 973 234 3941