Questionnaire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to make a Questionnaire – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:357
Updated: 29 December 2014
Slides: 21
Provided by: hadi.salehi70


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Questionnaire

  • Introduction

  • The questionnaire is most frequently a very
    concise, preplanned set of questions designed to
    yield specific information to meet a particular
    need for research information about a pertinent

Administering questionnaires
  • Postal
  • electronic
  • face-to-face
  • telephone

Types of questionnaire
  • 1. Structured and close questionnaire
  • 2. Unstructured and open questionnaire  
  • 3. Semi-structured questionnaire 
  • 4. Pictorial questionnaire 

Pictorial questionnaire 
How to write a questionnaire
  • Step 1 Your survey objectives
  • Step 2 Writing the content
  • Step 3 Piloting the questionnaire

Step 1 Your survey objectives
  • Questionnaire structure 
  • Whos answering the questions?
  • How will you group the respondents?

Step 2 Writing the content
  • Introduce the questionnaire
  • Ask questions in a logical order
  • Aim for brevity
  • Use simple language
  • Use the right type of questions

3 Piloting the questionnaire
  • 1. check peoples understanding and ability to
    answer the questions.
  • 2. providing an estimate of the average time each
    questionnaire will take to complete.
  • 3. gain feedback on the type of question and its
    format, the validity of the questionnaire items,
    the operationalization of the constructs and the
    purposes of the research.

The main types of questions are
  • Open ended questions
  • Closed questions
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Rating scale questions (likert type scale
    semantic differential)
  • Rank order questions
  • Dichotomous questions
  • Constant sum questions
  • Ratio data questions

Open ended
  •  Respondents are free to express their views and
    the ideas But a greater amount of respondent
    time, thought, and effort is necessary and coding
    responses is difficult.
  • e.g. Do you have any suggestions about how we
    could improve our customer service?

  • are fairly easy to interpret, tabulate, and
    summarize. But Respondents cannot express their
    own judgment.
  • e.g. Do you own a car? (select one response)
    YES  or NO

Multiple choice
  • Example
  • Where would you prefer to go on vacation?
  •    A. Western Canada (BC, AB, SK)   B. Central
    Canada (MB, ON, QC)   C. Eastern Canada (NB, NS,
    NL, PEI)   D. Northern Canada (YT, NWT, NU)

Rating scale questions
  • Likert-type scales
  • Respondents are asked whether they agree or
    disagree with a statement. Each option is given a
    score, which can be used to analyze results.
  • Example
  • Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means strongly
    agree and 5 means strongly disagree, how much do
    you agree or disagree with the following

  1Stronglyagree 2Agree  3Neither agreenor disagree 4Disagree  5Stronglydisagree
I enjoyed myexperience stayingat the hotel.          
Rating scale questions
  • Semantic differential
  • In a semantic differential scale, each end of the
    scale is marked with different or opposing
  • Example
  • On a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 is useful and 7
    is useless, How informative do you consider the
    new set of history textbooks to be?
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Useful - - - - - - - Useless

Rank order questions
  • Rank order questions require the respondent to
    choose among a set of alternatives.
  • e.g. Please indicate your priorities by placing
    numbers in the boxes to indicate the ordering of
    your views,
  • 1 the highest priority, 2 the second
    highest, and so on.

Dichotomous questions
  • Respondents must choose between two alternatives.
  • Example
  • In the past 30 days, have you seen or
    heard any advertising for ______? Yes or no?

Constant sum questions
  • In this type of question respondents are asked to
    distribute a given number of marks (points)
    between a range of items.
  • Example Please distribute a total of 10 points
    among the sentences that you think most closely
    describe your behavior. You may distribute these
    freely they may be spread out, or awarded to
    only a few statements, or all allocated to a
    single sentence if you wish.
  • I can take advantage of new opportunities
  • I can work effectively with all kinds of people
  • Generating new ideas is one of my strengths
  • I can usually tell what is likely to work in
  • I am able to see tasks through to the very end
  • I am prepared to be unpopular for the good of
    the school

Ratio data questions
  • ratio data questions deal with continuous
    variables where there is a true zero
  • for example
  • How much money do you have in the bank?
  • How many times have you been late for school?
  • How many marks did you score in the mathematics
  • How old are you (in years)?
  • Here no fixed answer or category is provided,
    and the respondent puts in the numerical answer
    that fits his/her exact figure, i.e. the accuracy
    is higher, much higher than in categories of
    data. This enables averages (means), standard
    deviations, range, and high-level statistics to
    be calculated

Picture of bad sample
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