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1The Importance of a Fitting Office Design
2- A good office design is not about how much you
spend BUT - how well it represents your business
- how well it communicates your brand
- how functional it remains
- how well it makes your employees happy and
- how it appeals to your clients
- A good interior design will help your business in
the following ways
3Enhancing productivity
Your business is the sum total of your employees
hours of toil. Only in a productive environment
can they put in their best of efforts. Right from
the colour of your building to chair of your
employees, everything determines the productivity
of your employee.
4Employee retention
Retaining good employees is a tough job. You need
to incentivize them properly. Keeping an amiable
ambience is a non-monetary way of doing it. No
one likes to work in a claustrophobic atmosphere
for a whole day, even though you are paid high.
The area of your office may be small, but a great
interior design can work wonders and make your
office appear spacious.
5Represent your business
An ideal design must reflect what you do. When it
comes to office design, one size does not fit
all. A creative boutique should give out only
creative vibe, which should be different from the
design of a financial services institution.
6Make a statement among clients
Obviously clients are your valuable guests, and
it is your responsibility to keep them warm. With
an inviting design the job is half done. It helps
in building trust and confidence.
7- In Dubai, UAE you can find a lot of interior
design companies that offers services ranging
from space planning, refurbishment to luxury
interior design. - For more details contact--
- Cornerstone Interiors
- PO Box 84972
- Dubai, UAE.
- Tel 971 (4) 323 53 54, Fax 971 (4) 323 53 56
- Email. info_at_cornerstonegroup.ae
- Visit htttp//cornerstonegroup.ae/projects/office