Title: Chad Barrett Bonney Lake
1Chad Barrett of Bonney Lake A Mentor
Chad Barrett of Bonney Lake has spent much of his
storied and noteworthy career as a mentor and
role model for much of today's youth. Mr.
Barrett, as many know him as, says that the
opportunity to be a positive influence on today's
youth is not something he takes lightly or for
granted. Mr. Barrett says that when people look
up to you, especially people as impressionable as
youth, you can no longer act based solely upon
your own needs, but are obligated to set a good
example and precedent to help make a better and
brighter future.
2Chad Barrett of Bonney Lake An Instructor
Chad Barrett of Bonney Lake loves learning, so
much so that he has also dedicated himself to the
discipline of teaching. Always a scholar, Chad
Barrett pursued his academic career with much
fervor, and afterwards decided to help others
achieve their own academic competency by becoming
a teacher. Mr. Barrett has now worked for over
eleven years as a certified instructor, and
teaches physical education, special education,
and health education to high school seniors. Mr.
Barrett says that working closely with students
is as much a learning experience for him as for
3Chad Barrett of Bonney Lake A Coach
Chad Barrett of Bonney Lake has always had a love
and affinity for sports, and the competitive
spirit. Mr. Barrett says that sports are an
excellent outlet for frustrations, as well as a
great opportunity to learn the value of team
work, commitment, and discipline. That is why Mr.
Barrett learned early that he was made for
coaching. Using his extensive education and
experience in sports, Mr. Barrett has helped
advise and coach many prestigious and well known
franchised teams, and continues to impress with
his leadership abilities.
4Chad Barrett of Bonney Lake Family Man
Though Chad Barrett of Bonney Lake often has a
very demanding and rigorous work life, he never
lets that take away from spending time with his
beautiful wife and son. Mr. Barrett, as most call
the coach and instructor, likes to emphasize the
importance of family, and that though it is easy
to get caught up in the very competitive field of
professional sports, one must often remind
themselves that in the end, it is just a game,
and your families needs come first. That is why
Mr. Barrett loves to spend relaxing afternoons
with his wife and son, playing catch or taking a
long walk.
5Thank YOU