Title: Emergency Vehicle Lights: Some Information about them
1Major Police Supply
2Major Police Supply
Major Police Supply specialized in law
enforcement and emergency vehicle equipment
supplies. We are leader in the field of emergency
vehicle equipment installation and fleet
maintenance. Major Police Supply is currently
one of the largest suppliers and installers in
the nation. Major started as a consulting
business for custom car dealers over two decades
ago and the business has continued to grow and
expand since that time. Major currently stocks
and distributes product for almost every major
manufacturer of emergency vehicle equipment in
the industry. Major now manages the installations
for the largest law enforcement fleets in the
3Major Police Supply
Emergency Vehicle Lights Some Information about
Arent the emergency vehicle lights a common
sight? Yes, all of us would have seen them on
ambulances and a range of other vehicles like the
police and government vehicles, fire engines too.
These lights are fitted to the vehicles to be
used by the driver as an indication to people to
convey the kind of emergency that is there in the
journey. When these lights are used in law
enforcement they signal the driver to halt to
talk to the concerned officer. These lights may
be in the form of light bars or beacons or in the
form of hideaway lights or hazard lights too.
Generally, the emergency vehicle lights are
coupled with sirens so that their impact and
effectiveness are enhanced. They are basically
used for getting clearance immediately for the
emergency vehicles. They also are used to warn
people on the road about a potential hazard or
indicate that a particular vehicle has been
pulled to a side.
4Major Police Supply
Police vehicles make use of a range of light bars
so as to indicate or convey certain meaning to
others. This kind of lighting is found to be
useful even for highway workers. Distinction of
course remains in the choice of the color of
light. Usage of these lights is not restricted
to fire engines, ambulances and police and
government vehicles as a few countries give
permission for rescue workers, personnel offering
emergency medical services and volunteer
firefighters to use them. There is of course no
law imposed on people from buying them, but their
usage should be done only after getting
permission from the concerned authorities. Blue,
green and red lights hold different connotations
even though all the three form a part of the
emergency vehicle lights. Therefore, it is
essential that one learns about the significance
that each color holds and then have it
accordingly on the vehicle.
5Major Police Supply
New Jersey 47 N Dell Ave Kenvil, New Jersey
07847 800-666-4472 salesmajor_at_majorpolicesupply.co
m https//www.majorpolicesupply.com