Title: Michael Mell Is Actively Involved With Volunteering Social Concerns
1Michael Mell Is Actively Involved With
Volunteering Social Concerns
2Michael Mell is a highly experienced and
goal-oriented independent consultant at Nextdoor,
Inc. in the United States. It is a free platform
for those who are interested in building their
LinkedIn connections fast. They also offer a 50
Amazon gift certificate referral program. Michael
has provided a promotional link on his LinkedIn
profile to make his client sure that they get
enough connections. As an expert of internet
marketing and digital marketing, Michaels
LinkedIn profile was one of the top 1 most
viewed LinkedIn profile for 2013.
3Having expertise in promotional strategies,
Michael Mell has in depth understanding of
increasing brand, traffic, revenue, and ROI. He
is also an Internet Marketing Consultant at
Michael Mell Promotions where he is involved in
handling various tasks that includes brand
development, website traffic growth, website UI
and advertising revenue. He is also well versed
with the techniques of developing brand
strategies and statistics systems. He also does
strategic consulting, including business plans
and sales strategy development.
4Michael Mell has a long list of volunteer
experience and causes. Way back in 2000, Michael
gave his helping hand to the Habitat for Humanity
International. Habitat for Humanity International
is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing
organization building simple, decent, affordable
housing in partnership with people in need.
5In January 2013, Michael played a role family
readiness coordinator in the US Army. Family
readiness is defined as families who are prepared
and equipped with the skills and tools to
successfully meet the challenges of the military
lifestyle. Thus, it shows that he was actively
involved with many societal causes.
6In his near future, Michael Mell is dedicatedly
looking for skill-based volunteering and wants to
do his bit. With the experience of working for so
many social causes, he got inclined towards
children care, educational development and
awareness of human rights among people. Other
than English, he is fluent in Spanish language.
7Thank You Michael Mell