Title: Forex Trend Profits
1Forex Trend Profits
2Discover the Power of Portfolio Trading with
Enhanced Forex Trend Profits Auto EAs Optimized
by Pair and Time Frame
3Forex Trend Profits EAs are built on a Strategy
based on Keltner Channel Bollinger Bands
Indicators.Combined with self adaptive math
calculations the EA will detect major trend
formations on respective Pairs, thus identifying
highly Lucrative trade opportunities and
eventually open Buy/Sell Order
4Forex Trend Profits
5Forex Trend Profits EAs Portfolio Strategy
Swing/Trend Indicators Keltner Channel
Bollinger Bands Recommended Time Frame
USDCHF, USDJPY, EURJPY Methodology Trading
Strategy is based on Keltner Channel Bollinger
Bands Indicators. The EA detects major trend
forming on a Pair and Initiates a Buy/Sell Order.
6Trade Exit1- Reverse Signals - an open trade
will close if a signal in the opposite direction
is generated2- StopLoss/TakeProfit SL/TP Proof
2 Years 10 Months (34 Months)Months 34Winning
Months 32Losing Months 2Draw Down 4.37 Win
Rate 51.44
7Learn "Two Years and 10 Months Detailed
Performance.. Back Test Results on 99 Modelling
Quality for EURJPY Back Test Results on 99
Modelling Quality for EURUSD Back Test Results on
99 Modelling Quality for GBPUSD
8Forex Trend Profits