Title: Arnaldo Trabucco: General Urology
1Arnaldo Trabucco General Urology
Arnaldo Trabucco is a highly professional and
immensely talented physician currently practicing
medicine within the field of general urology.
Although he was born in the United States of
America and has practiced all over the country,
he also spent some time training in Italy as
well. His expertise in the field of urology and
urological surgery is due to his extensive
training at world renowned institutions.
2Arnaldo Trabucco Innovative Urologist
Arnaldo Trabucco is an extremely proficient and
innovative practicing urologist within the United
States of America and Italy. He has acquired
almost 30 years in the field after starting his
own private practice in New York City in 1987,
just after completion of his residency. Although
he has practiced general urology and urological
surgery through out the United States, he has
recently moved his most recent private practice
to the country of Italy.
3Arnaldo Trabucco Board Certified General
Arnaldo Trabucco is a highly professional and
immensely talented physician currently practicing
medicine within the field of general urology.
Although he was born in the United States of
America and has practiced all over the country,
he also spent some time training in Italy as
well. His expertise in the field of urology and
urological surgery is due to his extensive
training at world renowned institutions.
4Arnaldo Trabucco Prestigious Education and
Arnaldo Trabucco is a deeply dedicated medical
professional currently practicing as a general
urologist. He is very well trained and educated
in the fields of general urology, oncology,
urogynecology, and the most recent advances in
laser prostatectomy. He has been trained in
prestigious institutions including Columbia
University and the University of Rome School of
Medicine and Surgery.