Title: Tulsa child custody lawyers representing your best interes
2There is no easy part of a divorce, and often
times the issue of child custody is the most
difficult of all. It is often the part of the
divorce process that gets the most emotional and
personal. There is nothing more important to a
father or mother than their children, and it is
understandable that people will do whatever is
necessary to keep their children, which may lead
to accusations flying and feelings being hurt.
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4You need to rest assured that an experienced
child custody lawyer in Tulsa is looking out for
your best interests in this situation and knows
the complex laws that make up Oklahoma child
custody. Whether you need our Tulsa child custody
attorneys to mediate a negotiation outside of
court or to provide aggressive litigation,
Garrett Law Center will fight to protect the
legal rights of you and your children.
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6Help from a Compassionate Attorney Protecting
Tulsa Fathers and Mothers Rights Oklahoma courts
consider the childs best interests in
determining custody, including their physical,
mental and moral welfare. The court has the
option of granting custody to one parent or both
in joint custody. The courts have no legal
preference for custody, nor do they give one
parent preference based on gender.
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8- If one or both of the parents files for joint
custody, a plan must be presented to the court.
The plan must include details regarding the
following - Physical living arrangement
- Child support
- Medical and dental care
- Schooling
- Visitation rights
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10The court takes the plan into consideration and
issues a final plan with appropriate changes
deemed necessary for the best interests of the
child. The court also has the option of rejecting
a request for joint custody, particularly in the
event where domestic violence or abuse has been
perpetrated by one of the parties.
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12Above all else, the Tulsa child visitation
attorneys at Garrett Law Center listen to your
concerns to determine whats most important. Our
Tulsa child support lawyers develop a plan that
will provide for the best interests of the
children while minimizing conflict and protecting
them from the emotional and legal concerns that
accompany the actual child custody hearing.
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14For more information about how a child custody
attorney in Tulsa can help you, do not hesitate
to contact the Garrett Law Center at 888.655.2923
for a free consultation in our offices in Tulsa,
Muskogee or Memphis, Tennessee. See more at
15Thank You