Title: How to choose a Real Estate Agent
1Guidelines in choosing a real estate agent.
2 A real estate agent is a person with a
government license to represent a buyer or a
seller in a real estate deal in exchange for a
commission. Most agents work for a real estate
broker or realtor. Real estate agents are the
people with whom you do a business deal with face
to face meeting in the process of buying or
selling a property. These are the people on the
forefront of the real estate market and carry out
such tasks as showing homes to perspective
consumer and discuss dealings on behalf of their
3Reasons to hire a real estate agent
4They aid with the disclosure and official
procedure needed in the present day's heavily
legalized system.
They are properly skilled in and experienced with
the whole sales process.
They perform as a safeguard in negotiations with
all parties throughout the whole transaction.
They help understand the present real estate
values when setting the price on a listing.
5Guidelines on selecting a real estate agent
6Experience Conducting a huge sale can have some
very complex workings, both on the listing side
and the selling side. High end buyers and sellers
are usually handling large dealings in their
daily business, and they require the same
business sharpness from the real estate agent.
7Negotiating skill Make sure the agent you hire
can represent you well. Large dealings normally
require a good negotiation skill.
8Market Knowledge A real estate agent should be
aware about the market situations clearly. If an
agent cannot offer you an educated and thoughtful
answer to all your doubts, then you need to
search for another agent.
9Reference The agent you hire should have a list
of references available to him with all the
necessary details.
10Christian Schirnhofer
Christian Schirnhofer is an experienced real
estate agent with all stated skills. With many
years of experience in the real estate field, he
is one of the best option as a real estate agent
for all your property needs.