ORW presentation on lactation curve - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ORW presentation on lactation curve


Lactation curve is defined as a graphic representation between milk production and lactation time starting from day of calving to dry period. The lactation curve is used to predicting of the peak milk yield, lactation persistency, total milk yield and days in milk. Lactation curve can also be used in breeding programs, herd nutritional management, decision regarding culling of animals. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ORW presentation on lactation curve


Shashank KshandakarM-5405Division of LES IT
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19th Livestock census 2012, Ministry of
Contribution of Agriculture Allied Practices In
  • .

Per capita milk availability
Growth Rate In Milk Production
Year Decadal Growth Rate ()
1950-51 to 1960-61 1.64
1960-61 to 1973-74 1.15
1973-74 to 1980-81 4.51
1980-81 to 1990-91 5.48
1990-91 to 2000-01 4.31
2000-01 to 2009-10 3.77
  • Represent the behaviour of a system

  • (France and Thornley, 1984)
  • Linear Model.
  • Non linear Model.
  • Intrinsically linear.
  • Intrinsically Nonlinear.

Lactation curve
  • Derivatives of maximum daily yield and the

  • (Davydov 1933)
  • Graphical representation of the ratio between
    milk production and lactation time starting at
    (Bodero et
  • Importance of lactation curve
  • Estimation purpose.
  • Farm management.

Objective of study
  • To compare various lactation curve models in
    cattle and buffalo under diseased and
    non-diseased conditions.
  • To study the effect of disease and other
    associated factors on lactation curve in cattle
    and buffalo.

Review of Literature
  • Percentage decline method.
  • Ratio method.
  • Regression method.
  • Modelling the shape of lactation curve.
  • Factors affecting lactation curve

Review of Literature
  • Percentage decline method .
  • Sturtevant (1886) concluded that There is
    approximately 9 average reduction in milk
    production per month
  • Carlyle and Woll (1903) ) concluded that There
    is 8 (approx) average reduction in milk
    production per month
  • Beach (1904) estimated that the average reduction
    in milk production in first five month is 6.5
    and about 13 reduction in milk production from
    eight to tenth month after calving.
  • Arreola et al.(2004) concluded that general
    declining rate of milk production is about 7 per
    month after the peak yield.

  • Ratio Method
  • Sanders (1930) divided lactation curve into
    two components first the rate to which the yield
    raises to peak yield, second the rate at which it
    falls from the peak yield and stated that maximum
    yield and persistency are two important component
    of lactation.
  • Shape of curve
  • Regression coefficient method
  • Regression coefficient techniques studied by
    Madden (1959).
  • Regression coefficient techniques was used to
    estimate 305-day yield from test day yield.
    (Vleck et al.1961 Appleman et al.1969).
  • Khan et al.(1999) stated that Regression
    coefficient method are generally more efficient
    as compared to ratio-method

Modelling the shape of lactation curve
  • Madalena et al.(1979) fitted lactation data of HF
    HF X Gir stated that the simple exponential
    model is better fit than simple linear regression
  • Malhotra et al. (1980) studied lactation curve
    model of Karan Swiss cattle shows that Quadratic
    cum log model (1982) was best fitted with respect
    to Quadratic, Inverse polynomial Gamma
    lactation curve models.
  • Batra (1986) studied environmental and genetic
    effects on the coefficients of the lactation
    curves derived by modified gamma and inverse
    polynomial functions by using WTDMY of 2066
    first, 1407 second, and 755 third lactation pure
    and crossbred cows and concluded that the inverse
    polynomial function provided a better fit than
    the modified gamma function based on comparison
    of R2 values

  • Singh and Bhat (1987) concluded that Multiphasic
    logistic model was best fitted with respect to
    gamma, Parabolic, Exponential functions for
    estimating lactation curve based on WTDMY data of
    Haryana cow
  • Sherchand et al. (1995) studied different
    lactation curve models using DTDMY of 120
    Holstein cows and concluded that the Diphasic
    logistic function was best fitted for all
    lactations and for the first 30 day, Modified
    gamma function Inverse polynomial Quadratic
    log function were best fitted to first, second
    and third lactation respectively.
  • Olori et al. (1999) collected WTDMY records of
    488 1st lactation HF cow for comparative study on
    5 standard lactation curve models (Incomplete
    gamma, Inverse polynomial, Polynomial regression,
    Exponential and Mixed log).on the basis of study
    Incomplete gamma, Inverse polynomial, Mixed log
    lactation curve model under predicted milk yield
    around peak production and over predicted
    immediately after peak production. polynomial
    regression lactation curve model is best fit
    (R299.6) whereas Incomplete gamma lactation
    curve model is least fit (R294.4).

  • Rankja and Pandya (2001) analyzed WTDMY records
    of 352 Gir cows maintained at Cattle Breeding
    Farm, Junagarh with seven different mathematical
    models for different lactation period and
    concluded that the Morant and Gnanasakthy model
    was the best fitted.  
  • Arreola et al. (2004) considered 3 emperical
    Gaines (exponential decay), Wood (gamma
    equation), Rook (Michaelis-Menten x exponential)
    and 2 mechanistic ones Dijkstra and Pollott
    for fitting and concluded that Rook equation
    fitted the data well Dijkstra equation
    consistently gave better predictions and the
    Pollott equation over-parameterized parameter
  • Macciotta et al. (2005) fitted Wood incomplete
    gamma, Wilminks exponential, Ali and Schaeffers
    polynomial regression, and fifth-order Legendre
    polynomials to 229,518 DTDMY records of Italian
    Simmental cows and concluded that Five-parameter
    models (Ali and Schaeffer function and the
    Legendre polynomials) were better fitted than the
    3-parameter models (Wood and Wilmink).

  • VanRaden et al. (2007) compared 7 empirical
    Wood ,Wilmink ,Rook ,monophasic , diphasic
    lactation persistency functions and Dijkstra and
    2 mechanistic models Pollott and
    new-multiphasic for their suitability for
    modelling lactations of US HF cattleand concluded
    that Pollott model and new-multiphasic models
    were better fitted
  • Pandey et al. (2007) compared four lactation
    curve model on WTDMY MTDMY records of buffalo
    and Vrindavani cattle and conclude that Gamma
    function was best fitted than other three
    (Quadratic, Parabolic Exponential, Inverse
    polynomials) models.
  • Cunha et al. (2010) compared seven lactation
    curves models (Brody, Wood, Cobby Le Du,
    Wilmink, Rook, Dijkstra Pollott) and concluded
    that Wilmink (1987) model better adjusted for
    cows of the first lactation Wood (1967) model
    better adjusted for cows of the third or greater
    lactations of low milk producing groups whereas
    Dijkstra (1997) model better fitted for all
    lactation numbers for the high milk producing

  • Cankaya et al. (2011) studied five different
    lactation curve models (Wood, Cobby and Le Du,
    Wilmink, Exponential and Parabolic Exponential
    model) and concluded that Wood model best fitted
    for lactation curve of Jersey cattle.
  • Fathi et al., (2011) fitted four growth and two
    lactation curve function viz. (Logistic,
    gompertz, Schumacher, Morgan) and (Wood and
    Dijkestra) on MTDMT records of HF cattle and on
    the basis of modular behaviour he concluded that
    growth function are fitted better than Wood and
    Dijkestra equation
  • Korkmaz et al.,(2011) studied MTDMY records of
    dairy cows and conclude that polynomial model was
    best fitted than Wood, Gaines, Parabolic,
    Hayashi and Dhanno models

  • Adediran et al. (2012) fitted 14 lactation models
    to ATDMY and concluded that log-quadratic model
    was best fitted whereas Incomplete gamma model
    least fitted models.
  • Dongre and Gandhi (2012) ) studied WTDMY records
    of first lactating 643 Sahiwal cows and
    concluded that Inverse polynomial function was
    best fitted than Exponential decline function,
    Parabolic exponential function, Gamma type
    function and Mixed log function.
  • Dongre et al.(2012) studied FTDMY records of
    first lactating 643 Sahiwal cows and concluded
    that Mixed log function was the best fitted
    lactation curve models.

  • Vinay et al. (2012) studied DTDMY records of
    Holstein x Zebu cows for fitting Lactation curves
    and concluded that Ali and Schaeffer model
    fitted better than the incomplete gamma function,
    Wilmink and Dijkstra model.
  • Banu et al.(2012) compared five lactation curve
    models viz. Quadratic cum log model ,Gamma
    function ,Cobby Le Du model ,Polynomial
    regression function and Multiphasic logistic
    function and concluded that polynomial regression
    function was best fitted and Gamma function was
    least fitted.
  • Dohare et al. (2014) compared four standard
    lactation curve models (Wood, Morant-Gnanasakthy,
    Mitscherlich x Exponential, and Wilmink models)
    using FTDMY records of Frieswal and concluded
    that Mitscherlich cum Exponential model was best
    fitted followed by Morant-Gnanasakthy and Wilmink

Factor affecting lactation curve
  • Madalena et al. (1979) stated that cow calving in
    rainy season is 4 superior milk producer than
    cow calving in dry season and also stated that
    mature cow produce 1.3 times more milk than 1st
    lactation cow. 
  • Keown et al. (1986) stated that total and peak
    yield were lowest for cow calving in the summer
    season when feeding resources are limited and the
    heat stress effect is maximum.
  • Lean et al. (1989) studied 5928 lactation records
    of high milk producing cows at three California
    dairy farms and concluded that the sub fertility
    is associated with high peak lactation yields of

  • Scott et al. (1996) stated that the herd,
    lactation number and interaction effects of herd
    account 34.1 and 44.3 of variation on milk
    production among primiparous and multiparous cows
  • Lactation curve and persistency differ between
    lactation, and the difference was significantly
    exist between early and late maturing breed.
    (Jamrozik et al. 1998 Linde et al. 2000)
  • Dekkers et al. (1998) studied the economic
    importance of lactation persistency and
    concluded that the more flat shape of parameter
    c in the 1st parity indicate better utilization
    of feed and less susceptibility of cow to
    metabolic and reproductive disorder.
  • Cobuci et al. (2000) studied Lactation Curve
    models in Guzera Breed cow and observed that the
    effects of cow herd, calving year and cow age at
    calving, influenced the total milk production,
    initial milk production and milk decline
    production rate characteristics.

  • Tekerli et al. (2000) concluded that 1st
    lactation cow produce lower milk yield but they
    are more persistence in milk production with
    respect to older parity animals.
  • Rekik et al. (2003) concluded that the ascending
    phase of lactation is not affected by parity and
    calving season while decreasing phase of
    lactation curve affected by parity and calving
  • Madani et al.(2008 ) concluded that cows calving
    in summer produced 23 and 24 lower milk per
    lactation than cows calving in winter and spring
    season respectively.
  • Cole et al.(2009) proposed that cows with high
    lactation persistency produce less milk than
    expected at the beginning and produce more than
    expected at the end.
  • Grainger et al. (2011) concluded that diet
    energy uptake also extended the lactation curve.

  • Lalrintluanga et al. (2003) concluded that
    Mastitis incidence was higher during the
    early stage of the third lactation (36.60)
    whereas single quarter infection (63.44) and the
    left hind quarters (30.25) were more frequently
  • Meena et al. (2006) stated that infectious
    (Diarrhea, HS, FMD, Pox, PPR etc) and parasitic
    diseases accounted more than 60 morbidity and
    mortality in livestock's.
  • Prasad et al .(2004) observed that average
    mortality in Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Karan Swiss,
    Karan Fries cattle is 14.35, 7.21, 17.12 and
    13.36 respectively.
  • Singh and Prasad (2008), reported that four
    diseases (FMD,HS,BQ Anthrax ) accounted about
    56.6 and 84.4 to total incidence and deaths
    due to all diseases in cattle.

  • Lucey et al. (1986) concluded that there were
    significant differences in milk yield between one
    week before and one week after clinical diagnosis
    of disease ketosis (5l kg/d), hypomagnesaemia
    (41 kg/d), and lameness (11 kg/d) and total
    loss in milk yield associated with ketosis was
    6070 kg.
  • Mitev et al. (2011) studied that 10.2 animal
    suffered from lameness during the first month of
    lactation and lameness decreased peak lactation
    milk yields by about 2 kg whereas lameness along
    with ketosis lowered peak lactation milk yield by
    6.15 kg.
  • Hostens et al. (2012) concluded that milk
    production increased at faster rate and also
    declined at slower rate as compared to cows that
    encountered one or more metabolic problems Milk
    fever, retained placenta, ketosis, and mastitis
    mainly affected the lactation curve as compared
    to another disease.
  • Wilson et al. (2014) studied effect of clinical
    mastitis using mixed linear models and estimated
    that production loss from clinical mastitis
    during the whole lactation was 598 kg.

Research methodology
Source, Collection and classification of Data
  • Cattle and Buffalo Farm (LPM Section, IVRI)
  • Animal number
  • Species and Breed
  • Disease
  • Date of birth
  • Date of calving
  • Parity of Animal
  • Weekly milk yield from 1st to 44th weeks

Standard lactation curve models
  • Parabolic exponential model  (Sikka et.al.,
    1950) Yt a exp(bt-ct2)
  • Gamma function (Wood et al.,1967)
  • Ytatbe-ct
  • Exponential model (Wilmink et al.,1987)

    Yt a be-kt ct

  • Ali Schaeffer lactation curve model (1987)
  • Yt a bdcd2 d ?i e ?i2 ft
  • Dijkstra model (1997)
  • Yt a exp b(1-e-ct)/c-dt
  • Mitscherlich x Exponential (Rook et al.,1993)
  • Yt a(1-be-dt)e-ct
  • Mixed log model (Guo et al.,1995)
  • Yt abt-1/2cln(t)

  • Yt The production at time t
  • a scale factor or milk yield at the
    beginning of lactation
  • b The rate of change from initial
    production to maximum yield
  • c The rate of change from maximum
    yield to the end of lactation
  • k factor associated to the time of
    peak yield
  • d is a parameter related to maximum
    milk yield
  • dt/305
    ?i exp(305/t)

  • Iteration procedure
  • Gauss-Newton method
  • Levenberg-Marquardts method
  • Examination of residuals
  • Normality - Shapiro-Wilk test
  • Autocorrelation - Durbin-Watson test

. Criteria for goodness of fit of
lactation curve
  • Coefficient of determination (R2)
  • Adjusted coefficient of determination (R2adj)
  • Mean Squared Error (MSE)
  • Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
  • Mean squared prediction error
  • Akaikes Information Criteria (AIC)
  • Bayesian information criterion (BIC)

The effect of disease and other factors such as
breed, parity, season on lactation curve will be
analysed by appropriate general linear models
General linear model ANOVA/Regression/ANCOVA
Generalised linear logit/probit Binomial Exponenti
al Poisson gamma model
Mixed Repeated measure Change over
trails Sub-sampling Clustered data
Generalised linear mixed model Non normal data
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