transgenic male sterility - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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transgenic male sterility


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Title: transgenic male sterility

Bharat taindu jain 2013A58M 25/10/2014
Male sterility
  • the failure of plants to produce
    functional anthers, pollen, or male gametes (
    Rick 1944)
  • 1763--Kölreuter observed anther abortion in some
    plant species and some inter-specific hybrids
    (Darwin, 1876)
  • the first male sterility system (CGMS) was
    developed in onion in 1943 (Jones, 1943)
  • The CMS in carrot by Welch and Grimball (1947)
  • Induced CMS in pearl millet by Ethidium bromide
    (Burton and hanna, 1976)
  • More prevalent than female sterility
  • Male sporophyte and gametophyte less protected
    from environment than ovule and embryo sac.
  • Easy to detect male sterility, because a large
    number of pollen for study available.
  • Easy to assay male sterility staining technique
    (caramine, lactophenol or iodine)

Mariani et al., 1990
  • Absence or malformation of male organs (stamens)
    in bisexual plants or no male flowers in
    dioecious plants
  • Failure to develop normal anther
  • Abnormal pollen maturation inability to
    germinate on compatible stigma
  • Non dehiscent anthers but viable pollen
  • Barriers other than incompatibility preventing
    pollen from reaching ovule

(Kaul ,1988)
Classification of male sterility
  • Genetic male sterility
  • Temperature -sensitive genetic male sterility
  • Photoperiod-sensitive genetic male sterility
  • Transgenic Genetic male sterility
  • Cytoplasmic male sterility
  • Cytoplasmic - genetic male sterility
  • Chemically induced male sterility

(Kaul , 1988)
Constraints of genetic and cytoplasmic male
  • Absence of marker genes in GMS does not permit
    the sorting of male sterile or fertile plants in
    the progeny.
  • Undesirable effect of the cytoplasm
  • Unsatisfactory fertility restoration
  • CGMS only available to limited crop
  • Unsatisfactory pollination
  • Male sterility brake down due to environmental
  • No availability of suitable restorer line

(Banga and Banga,1998)
Transgenic genetic male sterilty
  • Transgene a gene introduced into genome of an
    organism by recombinant DNA or genetic
  • The organism that develop after transformation
    are known as transgenic
  • First transgenic plants (1983) Tobacco line
    resistance to kanamycin
  • In 2013 , global area of GM crop 175.2 million
    hectare and in india is 11 million hactare

  • Transgenic genic male sterility
  • First transgenic genetic male sterile devised
    Mariani et al(1992) by barnase/barstar sysyem
    (Ananthi et al ., 2013)
  • The SeedLink Invigor has successfully
    introduced a GE canola hybrid, using
    the barnase/barstar gene system in
    1996(Department of Agronomy, Iowa State
  • Canola was originally naturally bred from
    rapeseed in Canada by Keith and Baldur in the
    early 1970s
  • The term canola refers to those varieties of B.
    napus that meet specific standards on the levels
    of erucic acid (below 2)and glucosinolates( 30
    µmoles/g(CODEX 1999), and are often referred to
    as double low varieties.
  • Indian canola varieties - Low erucic (lt 2)and
    low glucosinolate
  • B.napus (gobhi sarson) (00)- Hyola-401
    (Hybrid) , GSC-5
  • B. juncea(0) - Pusa Karishma , Pusa Mustard

  • Area of transgenic canola mustard is about 8.16
    million hactare in 2013 mainly in North America
    and Australia (

Approach for development of transgenic male
  • Barnase/Barstar system for engineered male
  • (Mariani et al .,1992)
  • 2. RNA interfernece for male sterility (
    Tehseen et al.,2010)
  • 3. Maize 32138 SPT maintainer used in the
    PIONEER seed production technology (SPT) process
  • 4. Male sterility through modification of
    biochemical pathways (Marc et al.,2000 )
  • 5. Transgenic Reversible male sterility in
    plants by expression of cytokinin oxidase (
    Huang et al.,2011)

1.Targeting the tapetum
  • A specialized anther tissue the tapetum , play an
    important part in pollen develpoment
  • The tapetum surrounds the pollen sac early in
    anther development, degenerates during the latter
    stages of development
  • Tobacco TA29 gene expression in anther tapetum
    and that related gene exist in many other plant
    such as tomato , oilseed , rape, lettuce and
    alfaalfa (Seurinck et al.,1990 )
  • TA29 tobacco tapetum specific gene can activate
    the ribonuclease genes Rnase T1 from Aspergillus
    oryzae (Mariani et al.,1990) and Barnase from
    Bacillus amyloliquefaciens within tapetal cell of
    tobacco and Brassica napus.
  • Expression of chimaric Rnase genes slectively
    destroy the tapetum during anther delopment

Mariani et al.,1990
  • Barnase is extracellular RNase barstar is
    inhibitor of barnase (both from bacterium
    Bacillus amyloliquefaciens which uses barnase for
    protection from microbial predators and barstar
    to protect itself from barnase
  • Fuse the barnase and barstar genes to TA29
    promoterTA29 is a plant gene that has tapetum
    specific expression.
  • Both gene link to bar gene (Murakami et al.,
    1986 ) which confers resistance to the herbicide
  • Brassica napus cv. Darkar containing the
    TA29barnase construct are male sterile those
    with TA29barstar are not affected by the
    transgene ( Male fertile )
  • Cross male sterile (barnase) with male fertile
    (barstar) to get hybrid seed, which now has both
    barnase and barstar expressed in tapetum and,
    hence, is fully fertile. barstar is dominant over

  • (Mariani et al., 1992)

Martin et al.,1993
Hybrid seed production in Brassica napus
  • Development of male sterile lines in B. juncea
    found that tissue-specific expression of the
    barnase gene was deregulated under the influence
    of a strong constitutive promoter (CaMV35S) used
    for expression of the marker gene bar affected
    several agronomically important traits (Jagannath
    et al ., 2001 )
  • Spacer DNA fragment as an effective insulator to
    protect tissue-specific expression of the
    barnase gene which significantly enhanced
    recovery of agronomically viable male sterile
    lines in B. juncea (Jagannath et al ., 2001 )
    and three agronomically suitable male sterile
    lines (namely bn2.2, bn3.6 and bn3.4)
  • B. juncea lines containing the wild type or a
    modified sequence of the barstar gene
  • 3 male sterile barnase lines and 14 barstar lines
    (12 wild type barstar lines and 2 modified
    barstar lines), only one combination was found to
    restore complete male fertility in F1 progeny

(No Transcript)
GM Events with Male sterility
Event Name Trade Name Trade Name Gene(s) Introduced Gene(s) Introduced
Argentine Canola - Brassica napus  Argentine Canola - Brassica napus  Argentine Canola - Brassica napus  Argentine Canola - Brassica napus  Argentine Canola - Brassica napus 
Name MS1 (B91-4) Name MS1 (B91-4) InVigor Canola InVigor Canola barnase
Name MS1 x RF1 (PGS1) Name MS1 x RF1 (PGS1) InVigor Canola InVigor Canola barnase
Name MS1 x RF2 (PGS2) Name MS1 x RF2 (PGS2) InVigor Canola InVigor Canola barnase
Name MS1 x RF3 Name MS1 x RF3 Invigor Canola Invigor Canola barnase
Name MS8 Name MS8 InVigor Canola InVigor Canola barnase
Name MS8 x RF3 Name MS8 x RF3 InVigor Canola InVigor Canola barnase
Name MS8 x RF3 x GT73 (RT73) Name MS8 x RF3 x GT73 (RT73) not available not available barnase
Name PHY14 Name PHY14 not available not available barnase
Name PHY23 Name PHY23 not available not available barnase
Name PHY35 Name PHY35 not available not available barnase
Name PHY36 Name PHY36 not available not available barnase
Chicory - Cichorium intybus  Chicory - Cichorium intybus  Chicory - Cichorium intybus  Chicory - Cichorium intybus  Chicory - Cichorium intybus 
Name RM3-3 Name RM3-3 Seed Link Seed Link barnase
Name RM3-4 Name RM3-4 Seed Link Seed Link barnase
Name RM3-6 Name RM3-6 Seed Link Seed Link barnase
Maize - Zea mays L. Maize - Zea mays L. Maize - Zea mays L. Maize - Zea mays L. Maize - Zea mays L.
Name 32138 Name 32138 32138 SPT 32138 SPT zm-aa1
Name 676 Name 676 not available not available dam
Name 678 Name 678 not available not available dam
Name 680 Name 680 not available not available dam
Name MS3 Name MS3 InVigor Maize InVigor Maize barnase
Name MS6 Name MS6 InVigor Maize InVigor Maize barnase
2. RNA interfernece for male sterility
  • A phenomenon in which the introduction of double
    stranded RNA (dsRNA) into a diverse range of
    organisms and cell types causes transcriptional
    and post-transcriptional silencing of gene.
  • RNAi was preceded first by observations of
    transcriptional inhibition by antisense RNA
    expressed in petunia flower (Ecker et al ., 1986)

General mechanism of RNAi -
  • BCP1 gene show anther specific expression on
    arbidopsis ( Xu et al , 1995 )
  • Bcp1 gene active in both diploid tapetum and
    haploid microspore (Xu et al , 1995 )
  • Downregulation of anther pecific gene Bcp1 of
    arbidopsis by RNA interfernce.

Procedure -
  • 163bp region of Bcp1 gene cloned in both sense
    and antisense orientation in pFGC5941 vector
  • the constructs were transformed into the A.
    tumefaciens strain LBA4404 by electroporation.
  • The Agrobacterium culture was confirmed with PCR
  • The construct was transformed in Arabidopsis
    using leaf disc method.
  • Three batches of explants were selected on
    herbicide glufosinate ammonium.

(No Transcript)
Hormone inducible male sterility based on Bcp1 in
  • Anther-specific gene, Bcp1, isolated from
    Brassica campestris  shows a unique pattern of
    expression in the diploid tapetum and haploid
    microspores and its expression in both cell types
    is essential for production of functional pollen
    (Xu et al 1995).
  • This gene is conserved in members of the
    family Brassicaceae including Arabidopsis 73
    sequence identity at the amino acid level was
    found between Brassica and Arabidopsis c DNA
    clones (Theerakulpisut et al 1991).
  • The transformation of Brassica plants with
    LAT52-Bcp1 antisense construct resulted in 100
    pollen sterility in transgenic plants (Bhalla et
    al )

  • Based on the antisense construct of B.compestris
    gene Bcp1 driven by LAT52 promoter linked with a
    hormone inducible enhancer sequence this system
    is used in hybrid seed production in B.oleracea(
    Banga and Banga , 1998 ) .

3. Maize 32138 SPT maintainer used in the PIONEER
seed production technology (SPT) process
  • The SPT system of Dupont/Pioneer is an
    alternative to the CMS system for producing
    hybrid seed corn without detasseling
  • Pioneers SPT process is based on a transgenic
    DP-32138-1, referred to as 32138 SPT maintainer
  • The transgenic 32138 SPT maintainer is currently
    grown under USDA APHIS permits on company
    controlled parent seed production fields .
  • The 32138 SPT maintainer is used as a pollinator
    to propagate the seed of male sterile female
    inbred parent lines.
  • Female inbred parent seed producing using does
    not contain the 32138 SPT insertion so hybrid
    seed produced are non transgenic for SPT

  • 32138 SPT maintainer -
  • The 32138 SPT maintainer was generated by
    agrobacterium mediated transformation of a
    genetically male sterile (ms45/ms45) maize line
    with a plasmid designated PHP24597
  • Plasmid contains three gene expression cassettes

  • The 32138 SPT maintainer is homozygous for the
    endogenous ms45 recessive mutant allele and
    hemizygous for the SPT insertion (i.e.,
    ms45/ms45 SPT/-) .
  • Expression of a single copy of Ms45 gene in the
    ms45/ms45 genetic background restores
    male-fertility and enables pollen production in
    the 32138 SPT maintainer.
  • The 32138 SPT maintainer sheds two different
    types of pollen in a 11 ratio
  • a) fertile, does not contain SPT insertion
  • b) infertile, does contain 32138 SPT insertion
    (due to the action of ZM-AA1
    a-amylase protein)
  • 32138 SPT maintainer seed is replicated via
  • Upon self-pollination, 32138 SPT maintainer
    produces two different types of seed (yellow
    pinkish red) in a 11 ratio .

Maintainer seed replication
Male-Sterile Female Inbred Parent Seed Increase
  • The A-line and B-line are planted in strips in 4
  • Half of the B-line pollen has the genotype F-Ms-A
    ms and is not viable because it has the A gene
    that destroys the starch.
  • The other half of the pollen with the genotype
    f-ms-a ms is viable and fertilizes the A-line
    whose eggs have the genotype f-ms-a ms.
  • As a result, all of the seed of the A line lacks
    the transgene and is homozygous for the ms/ms
  • When the A-line seed is planted as the female
    parent in a hybrid seed production field, all of
    the plants will be male sterile.

Hybrid seed production
  • The A-line is pollinated by an R-line. Both the
    A- and R-lines are non-transgenic.
  • The A-line is homozygous and homogeneous for a
    nuclear ms gene that makes it male sterile and
    the R-line is homozygous and homogeneous for the
    wild-type MS allele.
  • The F1 seed sold to farmers will be male fertile
    and lack the F-Ms-A transgene.

Advantages of the Pioneer SPT Process
  • The SPT system of Dupont/Pioneer is an
    alternative to the CMS system for producing
    hybrid seed corn without detasseling
  • The need to remove pollen bearing tassels from
    female inbred parent lines by hand or mechanical
    detasseling is eliminated resulting in
  • higher quality seed products for growers
  • increased female inbred parent seed yields
  • increased production efficiency and reduced
  • increased worker safety
  • The process works across all germplasm types so
    it can be used to produce any maize hybrid.
  • Increasing male-sterile female inbred lines is a
    simple process achieved via cross-pollination
    with a transgenic 32138 SPT maintainer.

  • Carbohydrates -
  • Carbohydrates play a critical role in the anther
    and pollen development by sustaining growth as
    well as signal pathways.
  • Their transportation from photo synthetically
    active source tissues to developing sinks is
    regulated by extra cellular invertase
  • The extracellular invertase Nin 88 of tobacco
    shows expression pattern in developing anther
  • The tissue specific antisense repression of nin88
    under the control of Nin88 promoter in plant
    caused male sterility .
  • Exogenous supply of carbohydrates able to
    partially overcome blocking of pollen development
    so it maintaining the male sterility.
  • Resotoration by crossing this GMS system with
    plants expressing distantly relate invertase

  • (Marc et

5. Transgenic Reversible male sterility in plants
by expression of cytokinin oxidase ( Huang et
al.,2011) Patent no. 7951997 b2 Monsanto pvt .
  • Reversible male sterility (RMS), in which the
    action of the cytotoxic gene used to introduce
    male sterility is suppressed by the application
    of a chemical to the plant.
  • Chemically induce male sterility with the
    application of phytohormones ( Ebninck et al.,
    1978 )
  • Transgenic plants are produced by introducing
    polynucleotide construct encoding Zea mays
    cytokinin oxidase 1 (CKX1) which decrese the
    level of cytokinin by increase in cytokinin
    oxidase degradation result in failure of normal
    pollen development (Huang et al.,)
  • The pollen specific promoter pZmg13(Hansen et al
    ., 1989)
  • Transfer of gene by agrobacterium mediated
  • Fertility can be restored in male sterile lines
    by the restoration of normal cytokinin levels
    achieved by application of kinetin , zeatin ,
    cytokinin oxidase inhibitor thidiazuran ( Hare
    et al., 2001)

Hybrid seed production in maize
  • CKX linked to a anther specific promoter pZmg13
    expressed in the anther CKX act as a dominant
    male sterility gene
  • Homozygous male sterile female line can be
    maintained by use of chemical
  • Male sterile line cross wild type plant to
    produce hemizygous male sterile female line
  • The hemizygous line is crossed with male line to
    produce F1 hybrid seed.
  • 50 of plants will be male sterile which is
    recover by 50 male fertile plant which produce
    an excess of pollen

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  • Genetically engineered male sterility provides
    tremendous opportunities to the breeders for
    enforcing pollination control in hybrid seed
    production systems
  • On the other hand these systems have some
    disadvantages like
  • availability of efficient gene construct,
  • possible dispersion of transgene to other related
  • availability of efficient transformation
    technique and very high initial investment.
  • Apart from barnase-barstar system, no other
    system has reached the commercial stage.
  • Reversion of the sterility allows the RMS parent
    to be self-fertilized, a step which overcomes the
    need to remove fertile sib plants prior to making
    the hybrid cross
  • With the further researches on
  • Molecular biology of pollen development and
    improvement of biotechnology, the approaches
    creating male sterile lines using genetic
    engineering will become simpler, faster and more

Spacer DNA are regions of non-transcribed DNA
between tandemly repeated genes, such as
ribosomal RNA genes in eukaryotes. Its function
most likely involves ensuring the high rates of
transcription associated with these genes. In
bacteria, spacer DNA sequences are only a few
nucleotides long. In eukaryotes, they can be
extensive and include repetitive DNA, comprising
the majority of the DNA of the genome. The term
is used particularly for the spacer DNA between
the many tandemly repeated copies of the
ribosomal RNA genes. the International Service
for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications
(ISAAA) spacer DNA are regions of
non-transcribed DNA between tandemly
repeated genes, such as ribosomal RNA genes
in eukaryotes. Its function most likely involves
ensuring the high rates of transcription
associated with these genes.
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