Title: Amazing Superhero Moments
1Amazing Superhero Moments
2Amazing Superhero Moments Everyone recognizes a
superhero when they see one. We all know from the
flicker of a red cape across the movie screen,
the glimpse of a mask as a figure swings from
building to building.
3Superhero has a special skill or a super power.
These things are really so impressive for us
because it creates a amazing virtual life infront
of us . but as soon we walk out of the movie
theater, we know it isnt real. Superheros dont
actually exist.
42012s Iron Man wins the war and saves the day.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) sees Batman use his
bat mobile to fly a nuclear bomb
Spider-Man fights the evil Lizard on the Brooklyn
Bridge and simultaneously saves a young boy
5The superhero of cycling jackets, the Proviz
Reflect360. This revolutionary jacket has all the
advanced technology of Iron Man with the sleek
fit of Spidermans suit. The whole jacket is
made from 100 reflective material giving 360
degree visibility to ensure cyclists are seen
from every angle.
6100 reflective material giving 360 degree
visibility The jacket reflects with the smallest
amount of light High visibility
material Letting drivers and pedestrians see
cyclists sooner and respond accordingly.
7The jackets use of multiple vents, in the front,
the shoulders, and upper arm, mean that you can
also cycle in comfort. Whether open in summer to
let cool air through, or closed in winter months,
the vents act as your own Iron Man suit, giving
you high-tech levels of ventilation and a cool
cycling experience.
8Proviz Reflect 360 Jacket
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