Title: Keeping it All Together
1Keeping it All Together
- When youre getting set up with a customer
relationship management system, one of the things
you need to watch for is whether or not it makes
it easy for you to get everything into it. While
the whole point of a CRMS is to track everything
thats going on with your customers and
prospective customers, how easily can you do it? - Most CRMS have the features you need and want,
but a lot of them are so hard to use that you
might as well not have these features at all. A
system that is counter-intuitive and forces you
to struggle with setting up the things you need
is not a system thats going to get used a lot.
Not only that, but if you do use it youll always
be worrying about missing some of the data that
you need and you might be right. - Your CRMS should make it easy for you to capture
all the information you need to know about every
one of your customers. Then, with a few simple
keystrokes you should be able to recover all the
details in a usable form so that you can
effectively work with your customer.
2You want to easily be able to find out where a
customer originated. Was it from your website, a
newspaper ad, a radio spot, word of mouth, or
where? You also need to be able to identify which
ad or radio spot brought you this particular
customer along with all the other relevant
details about his or her needs. While getting
this type of information out of a CRMS is often
not too hard, what about putting it in? How hard
is it to get all of this information into your
customer relationship management system in the
first place?
3A good CRMS makes your life easy because its
created by people who understand what you need.
Its simple to find out what goes where in the
system and to make sure it gets there. You should
be able to enter emails, phone calls, and
face-to-face meetings quickly and easily, without
a lot of headaches trying to sort it all out. If
you cant get the data into the system, you
arent going to be getting anything useful out of
it. The phrase garbage in, garbage out applies
here, except perhaps a more apt phrase might be
nothing in, nothing out. Make sure that your
customer relationship management system is
intuitive, so that you can not only get good
reports and data out of it, its easy for you to
get the information in there in the first
place. To know more information about the author
and crm software for small business please visit
- http//onsitecrm.tumblr.com/.