Title: How to be a top student in class
1How to be a top student in class
- Before the academic frustrations and hopelessness
takes over in some students, every aspiring
student wishes to be a top one in their class. We
still remember our first days at schools,
colleges and universities where we all were
pumped up to conquer the academic field and
become the master strokes within ourselves.
However, sometimes too much academic pressure can
often result in poor quality work and someone
else takes the opportunity and wins.
3- So the question comes how exactly someone can
become a top student with so much to do. To
start with top students going against the myth
that says are born, actually are made through
hard work, commitment, passion and most
importantly a willingness to learn and grow. It
does not also mean that top students are just
books worms and are sunk deep into the pages of
book to score those free flowing A grades. A top
student does not only have an exceptionally high
IQ level, but is also clever and smart, knows how
to study effectively and not waste time, as book
swimming does not guarantee good grades. A
student who has the traits of being number one
first and foremost has the capacity to absorb
each and everything thrown to them by their
teachers, they do not give up or get frustrated
by academic challenges and somehow get the
energy, motivation and courage to conquer all the
challenges. They are not scared of assignments
and look for writing services or scream saying
write my college paper, they believe in doing
everything themselves.
4Students who are the kings of their classrooms
often are found to be very actively involved in
everything that goes around in class and in
school. They actively seek to learn from the
experiences of their seniors, look for practices
to adopt that would make them even better and
never miss out an opportunity to shine. Being shy
is not their traits, being confident, active and
energetic are. They have the knack of leading the
class with flair and have amazing comprehension
skills that enable them to learn things much
quicker than others.
5- A secret to a happy student in school is that he
is well versed, well fed and extremely happy at
his home. Home is where students are connected to
deep inside and if things are not going well at
home, their attitude and performance changes.
Similarly, students topping their class also have
full support from their parents, they are not
scared to be judged or forced upon something they
dont like to do and that would kill their talent
or motivation. It is extremely important that
parents should realize how important it is to
promote that environment that is favorable to the
growth and happiness of the child as a student.
Finally a top student will not only sacrifice a
lot, but also learns to compromise on a lot of
things. Sometimes you cannot have everything you
wish for, so setting up priorities in life is
essential and top students usually prioritize
being number one and learning over anything else
that could be a distraction in their way. They
have set objectives defined for them and are
motivated enough to follow them.
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