Title: How to setup covert conversation WP plugin
1How to set up Covert Conversation WordPress
- Like all our Covert products, Covert
Conversation is also super simple to set up and
use. It comes with a step by step setup wizard
for setting up your ads. - Below well take you through the 5 simple steps
for setting up ads, so you can see exactly
how Covert Conversation works and why your
subscribers are going to love it.
2How to set up Covert Conversation WordPress
- Step 1 Select Image Name
- Here you can upload an image or select one from
your WordPress media library. This image will be
used in the Skype ad. You also set the caller
name to appear on the ad.
3How to set up Covert Conversation WordPress
- Step 2 Select The Look For Your Ad
- You can tweak the opacity. Select if you want the
ad to apear as a normal Skype call or a Skype
video call. And finally you can choose what sound
you want your ad to have, we have included the
official Skype sounds!
4How to set up Covert Conversation WordPress
- Step 3 Choose What Happens When The Ad Is Closed
- When people click the red (decline call) button,
you can either have it close the ad or have it
open up your desired link (as set in the next
5How to set up Covert Conversation WordPress
- Step 4 Set Your Link
- Choose what link you want to send people to when
they click the ad. This can be any link you want,
including affiliate links and you can choose to
have it open in a new (or the same) window.
6How to set up Covert Conversation WordPress
- Alternatively you can select to have people
automatically call a pre-defined Skype ID when
they click on the ad. This is going to be
extremely powerful for offline businesses,
network marketing and other sites that rely on
personal one-on-one selling!
7How to set up Covert Conversation WordPress
- Step 5 Select When Where To Show The Ad
- You can then select which WP sites and posts you
want to show the ad on and you can even exclude
posts from certain categories. - And of course you can also set a time delay for
when you want the ad (call) to appear, disappear
and reappear.
8How to set up Covert Conversation WordPress
- Step 6 Youre Done!
- The ad will now appear on your WordPress blog,
ready to suck in clicks, leads and sales like
nothing you have ever seen before! And you can
have up to 5 different ads running on your blog
at any given time!