Title: Eye Brow Hair Transplant (2)
2Eyebrows are important facial features owing to
its position on the face. As eyebrow hair loss is
not conceived as natural hair loss, so it is not
considered cosmetically and socially acceptable.
3About Eyebrow hair transplant
Eyebrows are one of the most obvious features
of a person's face. Just as overly bushy eyebrows
can be a source of embarrassment for some,
eyebrows that are too thin or patchy can be even
more bothersome bushiness can be handled with a
pair of tweezers but what can be done about
overly thin eyebrows?
4What is Eyebrow hair transplant?
Eyebrows Hair Transplant (EHT) is used to mend
distorted eyebrows due to scars and accidental
injuries as well showing significant hair
thinning. Prior to undergoing an EHT procedure,
it is necessary to fix the donor parts first.
Donor parts must have good hair growth and active
hair follicles as well. The hairs on donor parts
are trimmed to get their short size. Required
number of Hair Grafts (HGs) is extracted out
through Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), a most
sophisticated Hair Transplant (HT) technique from
donor part.
5Hair and Senses is one Of the best centre of hair
transplant and treatment where you can get all
the services related to your hair problem . Dr
Sangay Bhutia is the specialist in
transplantation, with a team of experts take
personal interest for satisfying the patient
need. If any one is worried about their hair loss
,then your problem will be definitely solved at
H.N.S. They are providing reliable,painfree and
affordable transplantation for you .
6Our Services-
- FUE Hair Transplant
- Best Hair Transplant
- FUHT Hair Transplant
- Eyebrow Hair Transplant
- Body Hair Transplant
- Hair transplant in Delhi
- Best hair transplant clinic
- Beard Hair Transplant
- Alopecia Treatment
- Hair Transplant
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Hair loss in Men
- Hair loss in Women
7Contact Us-
DELHI - 110027 Ph- 011-42351711 Mobile-
91-9891038822 Email- contact_at_hairnsenses.co.in