Title: A Poor Man Asked the Buddha
1A Poor Man Asked the Buddha
- A poor man asked the Buddha,
- "Why am I so poor?"
- The Buddha said, "You did not learn to give."
- So the poor man said, "But, if I don't have
anything to give?" - The Buddha said, "You have a few things
- The Face, which can give a smile
- The Mouth, you can praise or comfort others
- The Heart, it can open up to others
- The Eyes, they can look at the other with the
eyes of compassion - The Body, which can be used to help others."
2Â About Lama Surya Das Lama Surya Das is
one of the foremost Western Buddhist meditation
teachers and scholars, one of the main
interpreters of Tibetan Buddhism in the West, and
a leading spokesperson for the emerging American
Buddhism. The Dalai Lama affectionately calls him
The Western Lama. Today, he lectures and
teaches around the world. With the Dalai Lama, he
founded the Western Buddhist Teachers Network,
and is the founder of the Dzogchen Center and
Foundation in Massachusetts and California. For
more information about Lama Surya Das, or about
his workshops, books, and classes, please visit
his website at Surya.org.