Title: SolutionKloud - Purchase Order Software
1solutionKloud A Simple Yet PowerfulPurchase
Order Software
- SolutionKloud is a cloud-based Purchase Order
Software that manages your Purchase Orders,
Manager Approvals, Budgets, and more
2(No Transcript)
3Purchase Order Management Easily manage your purchasing process Create beautiful Purchase Orders Define purchase approval processes Set budgets for departments/users/projects Reduce maverick spending and lower process costs
4Inventory Management Track stock levels at
various locations Automatically generate
purchase orders for items to reorder. When
orders are received, quantities are automatically
updated for the items at the respective
location. These features will lower inventory
costs by ensuring you are not under or overstocked
5Receiving Reconciling Track unreceived,
partially received, and fully received orders.
Follow up with suppliers on overdue purchase
orders with the help of reports. Once orders
are received, generate supplier invoices from the
original purchase order with one-click
6Receiving Reconciliation
Reduce Inventory Costs
7 Contact Info Telephone (925) 989-2705
Address 5474 Tradewinds WalkwaySan Jose, CA
95123 Website http//www.soultionkloud.com