Title: The Man from Tibet
1The Man from Tibet
- Recently I was invited to teach a weekend
Dzogchen meditation retreat again at the Tibetan
Mongolian Cultural Center in Bloomington,
Indiana. While I was visiting we celebrated the
spiritual director Arjia Rinpoches birthday.
2My contribution to this happy occasion was a
little birthday poem for the Very Venerable Arjia
Rinpoche, who only escaped from Communist China
about ten years ago and was appointed abbot at
this long standing center by the Dalai Lama
himself. The Man from Tibet The Man from Tibet
knows his languages, and enjoys the gift of
tongues as well He communicates with each of us
in our own language. Like Jesus, He spent years
unknown and in exile, used and abused By
heartless oppressors, farming and secretly
Dharm-ing, Until he could come forth to illumine
the world. A good friend to one and all, this
noble Lion of Dharma, Son of the Buddhas, assumes
a serene and humble demeanor,
3I bow down at his feet in service and
appreciation And pray for his longevity and
flourishing. Is that a golden Yellow Hat I see
above his head, This good old abbot of Khumbum
and return of Holy Tsongkapas father? Is that
the Virgin Ama-Mary herself I perceive always at
his side? Is this not a man who could usher in
the Kingdom of Heaven, The Pure Land of Buddha,
right here in the heartland, where we
stand? Homage to our Good Noble Lama! May he
live long and strong, and all his activities
prevail. offered with love, gratitude and
devotion, Lama Surya Das