Title: 2nd CMSB Award For Sandeep Marwah
12nd CMSB Award For Sandeep Marwah
2Bangalore The objective of the CMSB Awards 2014
is to recognize, celebrate and encourage extra
ordinary works by eminent personalities in their
respective domain welcomed Bickey Bangari
Chairperson of Council of Media And Satellite
Broadcasting on the occasion of Award Ceremony at
MLR Convention Centre at Bangalore. The extra
ordinary work contributed by Sandeep Marwah in
the field of media education has brought our
country to lime light. His efforts are need to be
recognized added Santosh Lohar Secretary of the
organizing committee. The award was handed over
by member Parliament Dr. Udit Raj and Neelam
Sonkar in a grand function. Now I am feeling
more responsible towards my Media Entertainment
industry after receiving Global Achievers Award
said Sandeep Marwah. Raj Bahadur Singh AAG Uttar
Pradesh, Mahesh Joshi DDG Doordarshan, Syed Riyaz
DCP Karnataka, L.R.Pachuau IPS DG Karnataka were
some of the other awardees.