Title: Rod Ricciardi: Providing Hope to Young Adults
1Rod Ricciardi Providing Hope to Young
Adults Rod Ricciardi hopes to impact the lives
of young adults through his latest efforts as
Managing Director of Find a Dream. The program
focuses on promoting and maintaining after-school
activities that keep adolescents off the streets
and in the presence of role model adults who can
teach them the benefits of volunteerism and
extra-curricular activities.
2Rod Ricciardi Finding a Dream for Kids A
businessman with a long history of success, Rod
Ricciardi has stepped out of the competitive
arena and taken on a whole new list of challenges
associated with the non-profit sector. His
organization, Find a Dream, helps provide
mentorship and after-school programs to children
through a network of volunteers that need
oversight, coordination and management all
skills mastered by Rod Ricciardi.
3Rod Ricciardi Helping the Community
Succeed Rod Ricciardi has always had a desire
to better his community. When he decided to leave
his successful career in the auto industry, he
sought ways that he could use his business savvy
and competitive nature to the benefit of his
neighborhood. Rod Ricciardi is now the Managing
Director of Find a Dream, a non-profit designed
to involve kids with after-school activities.
4Rod Ricciardi Nonprofit Management Through a
long and successful career in the automobile
industry is how Rod Ricciardi attained the skills
needed to run his latest endeavor Find a Dream,
a non-profit organization based on community
improvement. Rod Ricciardi is the Managing
Director of the mission that aims to increase the
involvement of young children with their schools
through extensive after-school programs and
5Thank You