Title: H2S - Hydrogen Suphide Safety Training Programme
An Animated Training Awareness Program
ASK-EHS Engineering Consultants
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9Presentation Flow
Sr. No Index
1 Introduction
2 Exposure Effects of H2S and its Limits
3 H2S Detectors
4 Respiratory Equipments Their Use
5 Emergency Procedure
10Introduction to H2S
11Hydrogen Sulfide Occurrence
12Physical and Chemical Properties
13Exposure Effects of H2S and its Limits
14Exposure limits of Hydrogen Sulphide and its
15How H2S enters human body
16Physiological effects of H2S
17H2S Detectors
18Types of H2S Detection Equipment
19Functions of detectors
20Use of detectors
21Respiratory Equipments Their Use
22Types of breathing equipments
23Checks before usage
24Donning procedure
25Emergency Procedure
26Planning for Evacuation
27Procedure of Evacuation
28First Aid Treatments
29Thank You
ASK-EHS Engineering Consultants