Some Secret Intrinsic Benefits of an Electric Bike - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Some Secret Intrinsic Benefits of an Electric Bike


Australia's Best Value Electric Bike Kit. The SuperNOVA kit is truly the best quality we can provide and at a price normal people can afford. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Some Secret Intrinsic Benefits of an Electric Bike

Some Secret Intrinsic Benefits of an Electric Bike
  • EV Nova

Why Electric Bikes..?
  • Cycling is the new driving. Bike commuting,
  • programs, and expanding bike-lane networks top
    most big-city
  • traffic agendas. But while attitudes toward
    cycling are
  • changing, so are bikes themselves. Electronic
  • known as e-bikes have hit the scene and are
    making a major
  • impression. While they look like normal
    two-wheelers, they
  • have a built-in electric motor for propulsion
    some kick in with
  • pedaling and others have engines where you can
    thumb the
  • throttle.

1 Mental Healthiness
  • In these modern times, depression and stress are
    the secret
  • soul killers that no one talks about. Xanax and
    other anti
  • depressants are among the largest selling drugs
    in America.
  • Suicide rates are higher than ever.
  • Electric bikes are great for mental health
    because they give
  • you an alternative to sitting inside and staring
    at a screen.
  • Anything that gets you outside and gets your
    blood pumping
  • and your adrenaline racing is a good thing and
    E-biking is a
  • good for both things.
  • If you think of  yourself as mentally healthy
    there is nothing
  • wrong with getting out and riding an electric
    bike and building
  • on that mental healthyou will need all the
    mental health you
  • can get as you age.

2 Eternal Youth
  • Electric bikes take the sting out of bike riding
    as you get old,
  • and can even magically take the sting out of
  • old.  Electric biking is like a secret fountain
  • youth serum. When you ride an electric bike you
    feel like a
  • mixture of when you rode a bicycle as teenager,
    and when you
  • rode your first car. You feel unlimited on where
    you can go and
  • what you can see.

3 Physical Health
  • Riding an electric bike is good exercise, in fact
  • exercise than a regular bike if you get out more
    on it, which
  • most e-bikers do. Riding an electric bike is
  • so exhilarating that  its easy to forget you are
  • like playing sports. You can get yourself to go
    out next
  • weekend for a soul inspiring 100 mile ride,
    something that most
  • people are not in shape enough to do on a regular

4 Going places you would normally not have
access to
  • On an electric bike you can ride a motor vehicle
    in the bike
  • lanessecretlyenough said. Also there are places
    that you can
  • go that would require strenuous hikes to get to

5 Joining a community
  • When you ride an electric bike, you can either
    join an existing
  • community or get friends and neighbors to buy
    electric bikes
  • and join you on your weekend rides. Regardless,
    going places
  • and riding with a friend or a group of friends on
    electric bikes
  • is a gratifying social experience guaranteed to
    build life time
  • memories and friendships you will look back on
    with great
  • fondness.

6 Being Happy
  • Riding an electric bike makes you happy. When you
    ride your
  • electric bike you think of nothing elsenone of
  • problems.and you become completely immersed in
  • the experience of the quickly changing scenery
  • experiencing in fast motion the beautiful city in
    which you live
  • and love.

7 Juicing the Gear head in us all
  • No one knows why but nearly all men have a gear
    head in them
  • waiting to be nurtured. Working cars is greasy,
    messy, knuckle
  • busting, ugly and it sucks. If you dont believe
    wrenching on a
  • 2-wheel creation is soul gratifying, read the
    book The Zen of
  • Motorcycle Maintenance  Its a weird  need in
    all men to
  • modify and repair there own rides and makes them
    enjoy riding
  • them more.  In fact most E-biking men I know are
    much more
  • into building than they are riding, a trend this
    website is
  • attempting to change.

8 Building Life long memories for your children
  • Daddy wrenching and riding on his electric bike
    is something
  • your child will probably never forget. Speeding
    from the
  • driveway and out onto the street, yahooing at the
  • Remember to put extra gusto into it if your
    children are
  • watching. Build a ramp in front of the house and
    do some
  • dramatic jumps even if you are not good at it.
     Your kids will
  • never forget you for it. If you load bike seats
    on your bike, or
  • buy a cargo bike and take your children with
    youthe memories
  • you will build for your children will be
    guaranteed to be
  • forever and priceless. If youre lucky, your kids
    will choose a
  • bicycle over a car someday thanks to your
  • influencesthus saving you a ton of cash in a way
    you never
  • expected.

9 Benefiting the world we live in as role models
  • Riding an electric bike is good for the
    environment in ways you
  • would never guess. More than any thing we are
  • examples on how cool and fun electric bikes can
    be. Right now
  • we are oddities, but the more we ride our
    electric bikes, the
  • more chance they will have of becoming an
    accepted part of
  • society that will eventually take a multitude of
    cars off the
  • road. When you ride an electric bike you really
    feel you are at
  • the forefront of a revolution, in which even you
    can play a role
  • by flashing that cool electric bike of yours.

10 Getting us closer to God
  • Every one should ride an E-bike on Sunday because
    it gets you
  • immersed in the outdoors in Gods elements on an
  • bike that makes you feel God blessed with the
    body you
  • always wanted. Depending on the bike an electric
    bike can make
  • you feel super humanas if you have been REALLY
  • blessed.

Electric Bikes
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
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