Title: Sap mm online training and certification in austrlia
1Sap mm online training and certification in
austrliaOnline classroom CorporateTraining
certifications placements supportCONTACT
USMAGNIFIC TRAININGINDIA 91-9052666559,9052666
558USA 1-678-693-3475info_at_magnifictraining.co
m www. magnifictraining.com
2Sap material management training
- Unplanned Delivery Costs
- At the time of releasing the Purchase Order, the
delivery costs is not known. Only after
invoicing, the delivery cost is known. There are
two ways to post the Unplanned Delivery Costs. - Can distribute the amount of delivery costs to
all the invoice items. - Can post the delivery costs to GL account.
3Sap mm training in india
- Planned Delivery Costs
- Delivery Costs which are known at the time of
Purchase Order. - When GR is posted, the delivery costs will be
posted to GL account. - When the invoice is posted, the delivery costs
will be reversed from the GL account.
4Unplanned Delivery Costs with Standard Price
From SPRO, go to Configure How Unplanned
Delivery Costs Are Posted.
5Unplanned Delivery Costs with Standard Price
For Unplanned Delivery Costs, by default, blank
means Distribute among invoice items and 2 means
Choose the G/L account to post the amount to.
6Unplanned Delivery Costs with Standard Price
Go to me21n and Click on Document Overview On
and select Purchase Orders to see Standard Price.
7Unplanned Delivery Costs with Standard Price
Copy the Purchase Order and Save it and you get a
new Purchase Order.
8Unplanned Delivery Costs with Standard Price
Go to transaction migo and check Item OK and
post it and then enter Storage Location and
post it again and now the document is posted.
9Unplanned Delivery Costs with Standard Price
Go to transaction miro and enter the Purchase
Order and then on Details tab, enter the
amount for Unplanned Delivery Costs.
10Unplanned Delivery Costs with Standard Price
After entering the tax details and amount, click
on Simulate. Now, It should be posted to price
11Unplanned Delivery Costs with Standard Price
Now, see the amount is posted to the price
12Visit us_at_magnifictraining.com
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MAGNIFIC TRAINING INDIA 91-9052666559,9052
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info_at_magnifictraining.com www.