Title: VoIP Softswitch | Softswitch
1Adore VoIP Soft Switch
2VoIP Soft Switch
VoIP Soft switch for Competitive Service
Providers. A soft switch is central device in
telecommunications network. The Adore Soft switch
is a versatile platform that integrated all the
VoIP services. VoIP Soft switch providing a
powerful VoIP protocol converter solution with
add-on modules to provide wholesale VoIP business
3Architecture of VoIP Soft Switch
4Features of VoIP Soft switch
- Account and User Management
- Rate Management
- LCR and Gateway Management
- Billing reports and invoice management
- Web Interface
- Calling features
- DID Management
- IVR Management
- Redundant Architecture
- Additional features
5Contact us
Adore InfoTech Http//www.adoreinfotech.com http/
/www.adoresoftphone.com sales_at_adoreinfotech.com Ph
one No 0120-6471891 Mobile No 9958611014