Title: A simple yet elegent presentation on headphones and earphones
1The Best Headphones For You
2The Best Headphones For You
3Overview of Headphones
Open Over Ear
Semi-Open Over Ear
On Ear
In Ear
Ear buds
Noise Cancelling
Closed Over Ear
5In-ear headphones (earphones)
6In-ear headphones (earphones)
An IEM headphone works in much the same way as a
basic ear-bud. They aren't tuned in anyway, and
so if you don't have a good seal, you'll lose
sound. If you choose the wrong type of tip, then
you will find that the overall quality of your
sound drops considerably. Still, we'd
absolutely recommend this form of headphone for
anyone who wants an easily portable set, however.
They aren't in your face, usually work very well,
and offer a reasonably priced option for everyone
who needs to listen to music on that long
7On-ear/Supra-aural headphones
8On-ear/Supra-aural headphones
9Closed over-ear headphones
10Closed over-ear headphones
11Open Over-Ear Headphones
12Semi-open Over-Ear Headphones
You thought there wasn't going to be an attempt
at a compromise? Well, that just shows you were
wrong, doesn't it? These try to make the best of
both worlds, but they are still very uncommon,
and they don't have the same level of isolation
the closed offer, or the depth of sound that the
open ones do.
13Noise-cancelling Headphones
This is new and really very clever technology
which works to actively get rid of exterior
noise, rather than just blocking it. This form of
noise cancellation works best when the noise in
question is both low and fairly constant. If
you're trying to block out the hum of an
air-conditioning unit, this technology will work