Title: resort industry
- Distinguished the difference of resort
accommodation to other hospitality resources. - Categorize what are the different kinds of
3Definition of RESORT
- any place or places with pleasant environment and
atmosphere conducive to comfort, healthful
relaxation and rest, offering food, sleeping
accommodation and recreational facilities to the
public for a fee or remuneration.
- beach resort
- inland resort
- island resort
- lakeside or riverside resort
- mountain resort
- theme parks
- located along the seashore
6 Inland resort
- located within the town proper or city
7Island Resort
Huma Island Palawan
- located in natural or man-made island within the
internal waters of the Philippine Archipelago
8Lakeside or Riverside resort
- located along or near the bank of a lake or river
9Mountain Resort
Sibugay Mountain Resort, Pangi, Soob, Albuera,
- located at or near a mountain or hill
10Requirements for classification of resort Class "AAA" Class "AA" Class "A"
Location and Environment Available Available Available
Parking (If applicable) Available Available Available
Facilities and Room Accommodation Available Available Only room accommodation 1 food service facility
Public Washrooms Available Available Available
Sports and Recreational Facilities 4 recreational activities 3 recreational activities 2 recreational activities
Employee Facilities Available Available None
Conference/Convention Facilities Available Available None