Title: Weight Loss - Myths Debunked
1Weight Loss - Myths Debunked
Dr. Peter Dobie
2When it comes to the topic of weight loss, then
people have generally a number of myths and
misconceptions about it. Weight loss relates to
your health and fitness, therefore it shouldnt
be taken lightly. It is advisable that you should
go weight loss only under the guidance of an
expert doctor. People have a number of myths
that are related to weight loss when it comes to
their health. At times, it difficult to separate
the weight loss facts that are true from myths
related to it. A number of these sound quite true
while you might even laugh at others.
3Myth 1 I should have a more intense exercise
routine, if I have to lose more weight Truth
Intense routine of workout is a great thing, but
there are a few things that you need to consider.
First, you should have a clear mind about that
everyone has a completely different fitness level
and the intensity they can handle. For a person
who has been physically inactive for quite a long
time, an intense work for him might only be a
half a mile walk every day. If you have a
similar case and walk for half a mile, then you
will begin sweating profusely and become tired.
However, a person who stays very active, then
half a mile walk for him will be an easy task
without any heavy sweating. Therefore, intense
has a completely different definition for every
4Myth 2 You can lose weight and can eat whatever
you want Truth Our lives are governed by
natural principles. It is quite illogical to
think that your weight and health will be kept in
balance if your diet consists mainly of fast
foods. It is true that you can burn it later, but
a person who lives on such diet is hardly going
to follow a proper workout routine. There are
many people who may look healthy and fit from
outside, but have dangerously high cholesterol
levels. Always remember that anything in excess
is not good for your health.
5Myth 3 Skipping meals is an excellent way to
lose excess weight Truth A number of studies
have clearly shown that people who skip breakfast
regularly and eat very less during the daytime
are heavier in weight than those who take
nutritious breakfast and eat 3-5 small meals in a
6Myth 4 You will not lose weight, if you eat at
night Truth even you do not eat your meal at
night, but take heavy meals all over the day you
will surely gain a lot of weight. Similarly, if
you skip meals during the day and eat excess food
at night, even then you will gain weight. So, the
key to success here is about maintaining balance.
If your body is signalling that it is hungry for
food, then you should listen to it. The truth is
that no matter what time of the day you eat, you
weight will surely gain if you overeat and do
zero exercise.
7Myth 5 In order to lose weight at a faster rate,
I need to cut down the calories Truth if you
are just stuffing your face or drastically
overeating, then cutting down the calories can
prove to be a great thing. But, cutting on
calories is not a good choice, if you are eating
proportionally. You can search online if you are
looking for an expert weight loss doctor.
Edgecliff is the place where you can easily find
an experienced weight loss doctor.
8Thank You
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Dr. Peter Dobie