Title: Taxation Services in Hyderabad - Trainingicon
1Silly Tax Mistakes Made by Businesses
- Avoid these silly tax mistakes and face auditors
without breaking a sweat. - Taxation Services
2Taxation issues are surely very taxing.
- Listed here are the most silly tax mistakes made
by businesses, especially small business and
SMEs, that they inadvertently fail to avoid.
- The Auditing bug cannot be avoided and businesses
might as well be prepared for it. - http//www.accuprosys.com
3Not maintaining financial records
4- Business heads are so engrossed in numbers sales
projections, profits, revenue, et al. But the
numbers they should be most concerned with are
the ones on their financial records. - Taxation services
- Yet, these are the very entities they ignore.
Businesses should keep their records and annual
accounts updated.
5(No Transcript)
6What happens if you fail to do so?
- You end up paying lower taxes or higher taxes
than you should. - http//www.accuprosys.com
7Even if you did pay the correct amount of tax,
auditors will still raise eyebrows (and issues of
course!) if you do not have proper financial
documents to substantiate the taxes
82. Overlooking deductible expensesTaxation
services - Accuprosys
9Do your financial records maintain business and
personal expenses separately? Can you track
your deductible expenses?
10- If not, then you are bound to stay out of the
good books of auditors. - For more info click here
- Taxation Services
11Proper financial records are those that ensure
business and personal expenses are clearly
12Payments made from personal accounts for business
purposes are deductible. Anything other than that
is not deductible. Remember! For more info visit
133. Not staying informed about legal updates on
14One of the silliest taxation mistakes made by
businesses is that they do not stay well-informed
about changes in tax laws.
15Businesses should follow notifications and
circulars to keep themselves abreast about any
changes in tax laws until they release an app for
164. Indulging in tax frauds
17Some tax frauds are major and some are not.
18Big or small, a tax fraud is perhaps the biggest
mistake you could make to jeopardize your
19Some companies pocket a percentage of indirect
taxes levied on customers.
20Others find other means. Auditors have their way
of identifying funny tactics. So quit the bad and
get honest.
215. Not correctly distinguishing independent
contractors and internal employees
22Confusion between independent contractors and
employees on your payroll may land you in some
serious trouble.
23Tax liabilities are different for employees and
independent contractors.
24Employers are required to pay a percentage of
employment taxes for workers employed by them.
25Non-payment of these taxes attracts penalties and
interests. Stating that an employee is an
independent contractor to avoid taxes is a big
26There are a zillion legal ways to save on taxes.
Companies should seek assistance from reputed
accounting and taxation service firms or hire
corporate advisors to help them make the right
investment choices and to save on taxes. Going
the illegal-way to avoid taxes not only attracts
gruesome penalties but also poses a risk to the
reputation of the organization.
27Centre for Innovation and EntrepreneurshipC-4,
IIT-H Foundation, Gachibowli, Hyderabad961840275
1, 9000600247
- Reach us atprabha_at_accuprosys.com
simplify_at_accuprosys.com anuradha_at_accuprosys.com
For more details, please visit