Title: Matthew Lotze Owned A Chain Of Six Pizza Restaurants
1Matthew Lotze Owned A Chain Of Six Pizza
2Matthew Lotze is a successful San Diego based
business management and law advisor. In his
profession, he has advised over 40 corporations
on business structuring and management and also
for legal matters. His key specializations
include management of employees, corporate
streamlining, corporate organization, legal
audits, business start up, risk management,
franchising, legal auditing to analyze loss
exposure in a companys infrastructure, contract
negotiations, and loss mitigation. He also worked
at a reputed law firm.
3He has established, handled, and organized seven
different companies that include Real Estate
Developers, Inc., Real Outlets Stores, LLC,
LiquidationsRus, Inc., Cheezy Pizza Company,
Inc., Nations Best Franchise, Inc., American
Marketing Company, Inc., and American
Fundraisers, Inc. Working as a CEO, he possesses
practical, concrete, and working knowledge of
each company. Apart from this, he has supervised
a team of 4 senior managers with over 350
employees. He has an exceptional skills set when
it comes to handling Human Resources, legal
systems, operational issues, compliance and start
up issues. On the other hand, Matthew Lotze
established a chain of retail stores that
generated 25 million annual sales. He owned and
administrated a chain of six pizza restaurants.
4Matthew Lotze developed a nontraditional MBA
internship program in 1998, which placed around
30 MBA students every year from 15 different
universities on a 3 months long replacement
period. He has created new programs that involve
20 to 30 managers and trainers. Besides this, he
has trained individuals from numerous renowned
universities in this program. He has prepared the
structure of the program and also taught selling
skills, retail markets, and technical business
5Matthew Lotze understands his responsibilities as
a philanthropist, and has made his contribution
to several organizations, such as Soroptimist
International, Special Olympics, Old Miners
Association of Big Bear Lake, Big Bear Youth
Soccer League, California State Parks, Habitat
for Humanity, Girl Scouts and Boys Scouts of
America, San Bernardino County Sheriff's
Department, etc. On the personal front, he likes
to play tennis, and also known as a fantastic
6Thank You Matthew Lotze