Title: Illuminated Mask Manufacturer Qitawear Will Begin American
1Illuminated Mask Manufacturer Qitawear Will Begin
American Made Mass Production Thanks To
Kickstarter Support
(1888 PressRelease) Qitawear masks is starting
its large scale manufacturing in Portland, Oregon
thanks to a successful kickstarter campaign.
These illuminated masks are changing the face of
costume, fashion and party wear around the
world. QitaWear, and early stage Vancouver, WASH.
manufacturer of illuminated fashion masks
achieved full funding support for large scale
manufacturing through a successful Kickstarter
campaign (Kickstarter.com). Surpassing it's
15,000 fundraising goal, QitaWear continues its
campaign for another 19 days with plans to expand
its offering and enlarge it's maiden mass
production run. The QitaWear fashion masks were
the creation of Juan Rodriguez, a Washington
costume designer and artist. Rodriguez is a
disabled US Army Veteran, artist, and founder of
QuitaWear. Seeking to expand American
manufacturing of his unique illuminated masks
which he has made by hand for the past year, he
is partnering with a Portland, OR.,
minority-owned small business specializing in
textile assembly. While seeking to expand mass
production of his masks in 2013, Rodriguez
traveled China touring manufacturing facilities
and districts. Given the working conditions and
general cost involved with outsourcing his
designs, it became apparent that US Manufacturing
of his QitaWear masks was competitive with
Chinese manufacturers.
Qitawear masks are changing the face of costumes,
fashion, and party wear for music events, holiday
costume wear, social gathering and celebrations
events around the world. With many of today's
events happening at night, QitaWear masks bring a
new look to an old idea with an aspect of fun,
beauty and safety.
2The QitaWear Kickstarter campaign video and
in-depth specifics can be seen here http//kck.st
/TF3qcg All queries should be addressed to
qitawear ( _at_ ) gmail dot com https//www.kickstar