Title: Flavorings - Capella Flavor Drops
1What are Electronic Cigarettes? Unlike a
traditional cigarette, Electronic Cigarettes from
eSmokeClub do not contain any tobacco! They are
also free of the many hundreds of carcinogens and
toxins found in real cigarettes, such as arsenic,
tar and carbon monoxide. With Electronic
Cigarettes you will have the freedom to "vape" in
many indoor areas all while potentially
saving thousands of dollars. There are no odors,
no ashtrays, no butts, no mess, no flames, and no
second-hand smoke. In fact, there is no
first-hand smoke either!All you get is atomized
nicotine vapor and a simulated smoking experience
that closely resembles real cigarettes!Electroni
c cigarettes (e-Cigs) are easy to use and compact
enough to fit anywhere. The devices simulate the
functions of a real cigarette without the harmful
chemicals. Powered by rechargeable Lithium-Ion
batteries, they typically use a small replaceable
cartridge filled with nicotine fluid or flavored
propylene glycol liquid.
Shop here for the latest accessories for your
favorite electronic cigarette model including
atomizers, batteries, cases, chargers driptips
and other accessories.
3Our Products
- Starter Kit - Titan I - Dry Herb - Wax -
Vaporizer - The Titan-I Dry Herb and Wax Vaporizer is an
outstanding new device with an all-in-one heating
chamber that provides you with the ability to
change the dry herb or wax vaporizing temperature
at a moment's notice. - Highlights - Dry Herb Vaporizer Vaporize dry
medicinal herbs or wax anywhere - High capacity
rechargeable battery provides 80 minutes of use
- Light weight and portable with good vapor
quality - Easily operated, well designed
heating chamber - 5 clicks in 3 seconds powers
unit on/off - Low Voltage Alarm indicator
blinks red five times on low charge - Powers
off automatically after 10 minutes - Bottom USB
charge - Three Temperature adjustments - Hold button for
1 second to adjust chamber temperatures -
Heating Chamber Temperature LED red at
360 C green at 380 C blue at
420 C
4Flavorings - Capella Flavor DropsThese 13ml
Capella Flavor Drops have some of the richest
flavors on the market. They are highly
concentrated, water soluble, multi-use
flavorings.They can be used to enhance water,
food, and, of course, eLiquids for vaping. Use
them with our DIY Flavorless eLiquid to create
your own unique flavors!Simply combine 1ml
of flavorless eLiquid (optionally add 1ml
of glycerin) in an empty dropper bottle, then add
a drop or two of your choice of Capella Flavor
Drops little by little until the taste matches
your needs. Mix and match to create your own
special vaping fluid! Capella Flavor Drops do
not contain fats, carbohydrates, calories,
sweeteners, or gluten.
Battery - EGO Winder - Variable Voltage eCig
Batteries This is a Smoktech EGO Winder Battery.
The winder battery provides the diversity of
vaping at different voltages. It has a redesigned
circuit board from previous Twist style batteries
making them more reliable. The adjustable base
has five markings to indicate approximate output
voltages at 3.2, 3.6, 4.0, 4.4, and 4.8 volts,
but it is adjustable throughout the entire
voltage range!These are available
in 900mAh, 1100mAh, or 1300mAh.
5WARNING You must be 18 years old to purchase
and/or use electronic cigarettes. If you are
under the age of 18 please leave this site. These
products are not marketed as smoking cessation or
"stop smoking" products, nor are they to be
marketed or used as drug delivery products. They
are not meant to treat or cure any diseases or
illnesses. We do not claim that these products
are healthy or healthier than real cigarettes,
rather they are considered only to be an
alternative to real cigarettes. Nicotine is a
poison and can cause dangerous increases in heart
rate and blood pressure. Nicotine should not be
used by individuals with hypertension or heart
disease or who are nursing or pregnant. Consult
your doctor before using any of these products.
Keep all nicotine cartridges, nicotine liquids,
and all other electronic cigarette components
away from children at all times.
6Contact us
- For returns / warranty issues, our mailing
address isES-CLUB611 N Axford St 64Lake
Orion, MI 48361-8100 - Call us Toll Free (866) 657-0088
- E-mail sales_at_eSmokeClub.com
- Website http//www.esmokeclub.com