Title: A brides Guide To Summer Weddings
1 A Brides Guide To
Summer Weddings
2The Endless Possibilities of
Summertime allows couples to choose from an array
of wedding themes as unique and varied as the
venues around them. Weve encapsulated four
diverse wedding themes to spur your imagination
and help you plan your dream wedding.
3Midsummer Nights
The most sensual time of year.
Pure whites and muted blues encompass you and
your new husband.
Bathed in mood-enhancing lighting, youll dance
well into the first light of morning.
4 Midsummer Nights Dream
Summer nights are often thought of as the most
romantic time of the year. Take advantage of the
sensual nature of summer with a late evening
ceremony. Create a surreal atmosphere with crisp
white flowers and cool, pale lighting. Surprise
your guests with a signature cocktail and
delicious eats as beautiful as individual pieces
of art.
A warm summer evening surrounded by family and
Vintage tablecloths and antique lantern
Sun-bleached colors and natural wood complement
the warmth of your new family.
6A rustic wedding is all about simplicity and
warmth. The feeling of the day is light and airy,
but rooted in American tradition. Bouquets of
pastel flowers and strands of white lights
decorate your space. Your guests enjoy locally
farmed herb goat cheese on seeded crackers, BBQ
chicken breasts, and fresh dill potato salad.
You can even skip the cake and serve warm apple
pie with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. It is
summer, after all.
Country Rustic
The clean, salty air fills your lungs.
Sand between your toes as you and your husband
dance along the shore.
Rich reds and pinks adorn your private canopy.
8 Secluded Island
Bring the vibrant island attitude to your guests
with a tropical beach themed wedding. You dont
actual have to charter a plane to a remote island
all you need is a small stretch of beach and
bright, bold colors to capture the spirit of the
islands. Serve your guests an array of fresh
finger foods for surely they will want to be on
their feet exploring the beautiful surroundings.