Title: Water Damage-Its Potential Hazards and Dangers
1Water Damage Its Potential Hazards and Dangers
Pressure Steam
2For the past few years, water damage has become a
serious threat worldwide. Those days are way
behind us, when just by sweeping and drying the
area affected by water damage could be considered
as properly cleaned. Water damage is caused by
different types of reasons such as leaking pipes,
leaking roof, broken dishwasher, broken pipe,
improper piping of washing machines, tub water
overflow, damaged plumbing, faucet overflow,
floods, rain, humidity, moisture and storms. Some
of these situations may not sound that dangerous,
but if neglected and not treated properly they
can cause much problem and high level of damage
to the property and health.
Pressure Steam
3Water responsible for causing damage can be
divided into three different types of categories.
Clean water can also cause damage, though it
does not pose any threat to your health. The
water source is usually from broken or leaking
pipe lines, water taps left open and flooding of
tubs etc. The second type of water that can
cause damage is called as grey water. This type
has a specific degree of containment. It
generally comes from toilet leakages,
dishwashers, used water of washing machines etc.
it can cause discomfort or sickness if a person
comes in contact or consumes it.
Pressure Steam
4The third type is called as black water and it
is highly contagious, dangerous and unsanitary.
It usually comes from sewage water, standing
water, seawater and ground surface water. It
contains harmful bacteria, viruses and other
micro-organisms, thus causing extreme health
problems. Health problems are the most serious
damage posed by water. Sewage, flood and standing
water are home for bacteria and mosquitoes.
Different diseases are caused by it and highly
dangerous for human health. Restoration after
water damage is important for the health of your
family and friends. It is vital to take crucial
steps in time to ensure the safety of the family
members and the house from permanent damage.
Pressure Steam
5- If water seeps into a buildings foundation, then
it will result in some serious weakening of the
structure. This happens because of rotting
foundations and dampening of the support
structure. The building may also collapse, if
constant damage is implied on its foundations. - Water damages almost everything that comes in its
way like carpet, electronics, furniture, books,
clothes etc. every item in your house is prone to
damage in situations of leakages, rain, storm or
floods. If water enters the walls of your home it
will not only damage the wall strength and paint,
but it will also cause humidity in the area. You
will face much distress because of increased
humidity levels and mould may even start to grow
on the walls.
Pressure Steam
6- Water damage restoration work is important to
save and restore the items destroyed. The process
includes various steps such as extraction of the
water, cleanups, drying, waste removal, sewage
disposal, dehumidification, odour control,
sanitizing. It also includes cleaning and drying
process of carpets and furniture. - The restoration work is quite a lengthy process
and requires a lot of effort. It is advisable
that you should hire professional help to deal
with water damage repair Sydney is the place
where you will find a renowned flood restoration
Pressure Steam
7Thank You
Call Us 0433 533 282 Email info_at_pressureandsteam
.com.au Address 97 Stella St Collaroy Plateau
NSW 2097
Water damage repair Sydney
Pressure Steam