Title: Go Gluu! Get A Google Grant!
1 Go Gluu! Get A Google Grant!
- Chase and Google announced
- Chase and Google are committed to helping small
businesses grow. Through Mission Main Street
Grants, businesses can apply for a 250,000 grant
from Chase. Rally support from customers and
friends to get 250 votes to be eligible. -
- We decided to post our application so people
could know more about the Gluu story -
- Tell us about your business. What inspired you to
start your business? How is your business
successful? What makes it unique? -
- In 2009, Mike Schwartz founded Gluu because he
felt it was too hard and too expensive for
organizations to manage identity and web access
management system (wams). After reading The Big
Switch, by Nicholas Carr, he became convinced
that a utility approach for IAM made sense, and
that such a service could be built using open
source software. Today, the Gluu Server is used
by 20 universities, a few large organizations,
and were expanding globally. Our open source OX
project is one of the best OAuth2 servers
available. -
2How is your business involved with the community
you serve? In 2010, there was no OAuth2 server
that provided support for OpenID Connect, which
we saw as an important new protocol for
authentication. We started the OX open source
project to write one. According to the last
completed OpenID Connect Interop results, it was
the most comprehensive server. Recently, we
launched a crowd funded effort to the fund OAuth2
plugins for Apache. With the help of 30
individuals and three companies, we achieved our
goal. What would a 250,000 grant mean to your
business and how will you utilize the funds to
ensure long-term growth and stability? We
believe the approval of a new OAuth2 standard for
authentication OpenID Connect, will increase
demand for our offering. It is very hard to find
funding for small businesses that write open
source software for new identity standards.
250,000 would give us the ability to develop
additional features for our open source platform,
and would help us add additional resources to
pilot projects to help showcase the potential of
the technology.
3What challenges can you identify for your
business, and how do you plan to overcome
them? Meeting the challenge of ease of use
and fanatical support are not easy for any
organization, especially one that specializes in
complex authentication systems. To achieve this,
automation is an important part of the
strategywe try to stay calm and automate all
things There are no easy answers but through
continuous improvement, we keep getting closer to
the goal. Describe the talent and skill of your
employees, and how they contribute to a
successful business. Gluu is a diverse team.
We have team members in the US, Ukraine, Bolivia,
India, Norway, China, and Cameroon. The founder
of Gluu, Mike Schwartz, is a leader in the
digital identity space. The success of the OX
project is a testament to the skills of the
developers. The OX platform is leading the market
for OAuth2 authentication and authorization, and
could play in important role in making the
Internet a safer place for consumers. Article
resource https//www.smore.com/y584s-go-gluu-get-