www.magnifictraining.com -SAP BO ONLINE TRAINING contact us: +919052666559 or info@magnifictraining.com By Real Time Experts from Hyderabad, Bangalore,India,USA,Canada,UK,Australia,South Africa. This SAP BO course will focus on:- Crystal Report How Business Intelligence works with BO Data Integrator (ETL) BO Admin (Security) – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Title: SAP BO(Business Object) 4.0 ONLINE TRAINING
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Training certifications placements support
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Magnific Trainings is a brand and providing quality online and offline trainings to students in world wide. We are providing best online online training on SAP BO
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3 Sap business object(BO) online training India
Determine the nature of exposure
Evaluate the risks and rewards
Decide targets strategies to safeguard against currency risk
Formulate policies for day-to-day operations
Strong MIS Reporting system
Periodical review of performance strategy
Single treasury concept for forex money market
4 Sap Bo online training
Managements attitude towards risk
Type of exposure Tenure Cost
Firms willingness to devote the amount and quality of resource to exposure management function
Access to various markets instruments such as forwards, options, futures etc and there implications
Choice of currency - Dollar / Non- Dollar
Gross or Net Exposure to be managed
5 SAP BO online training by real time experts - Classes
SAP BO Online Training
SAP BO Technology that are on high demand in the ITMarket.
We are delighted to say that our company is a class apart because not only do we understand the intricacies of Online Training but also see to that the trainee who gets trained should be satisfied on the following major points
R. O. I-Return on Investment of course this has to be the first point so when we charge a certain amount of fees we see to that we give a little extra to the fees that we have charged.
Excellent Course content developed by experienced Trainers.
6 Sap BO training in Chennai
SAP BO online training course outline-
Introduction to BO and SAP BO
Introduction to Reports and need of Reports in real time Business
SAP BO Architecture
SAP BO Tools and Plug-Ins.
Business Objects Enterprise Central Management Console (CMC)
Central Configuration Management(CCM)
Business Objects Enterprise Java Info View
Universe Designer
Web Intelligence
Desktop Intelligence
7 Sap BO online training in Delhi
Business View Manager
Crystal Reports 2008
XCelsius -Dashboard
Query As A Web Service
Live Office
Web Rich Client
Import Wizard
Report Conversion Tool
8 Sap BO training and certification
Chapter 1
Business Objects Enterprise Central Management Console (CMC)
Creating Users,
Groups and
Roles Assignment to the users and
Groups on Applications.
Chapter 2
SAP Universe
Overview of SAP BI-BO Integration.
Universe for SAP BI Info Cubes
Universe for SAP Bi BEX Query
9 Sap BO Online Training and Placement
Chapter 3
Non SAP Universe
Types of Universe Connections
Defining Universe Parameters
Properties of Universe
ODBC Connections to the Non SAP Data Sources.
Inserting Tables and creating joins
Creating Classes and Objects
Cascading List of Values
Chapter 4
Web Rich Client for online / offline
Webi Reports online
Deski Reports offline
10 Online Knowledge Product SAP BO
Chapter 5
Web Intelligence Documents / Reports
Introduction to web intelligence
Report Creation
Publishing the report
Understanding how universes allow you to query database using everyday business terms
Understanding Web Intelligence core functionalities
Viewing a Web Intelligence document in Info View
Building a simple query
Modifying a document query
Working with query properties
Restricting data with query filters
Applying a single-value query filter
11 Sap BO Certification Training
Chapter 6
Desktop Intelligence Documents / Reports
Report on Universe
Report on Personal Data Text Files
Report on XML Data File
Scope of Analysis
Slice and Dice Concepts
Global Filters and Table Filters
Chart and Table Report format
Chapter 7
Business View Manager
BVM Data Connections
BVM Data Foundation
BVM Business Element
Chapter 8
Crystal Reports 2008
Introduction and History of Crystal Reports
Structure of Crystal Report
Types of Crystal Reports Wizards
Crystal Reports on XLS
Crystal Reports on Database
Chapter 9
Static XCelsius Dash Boards
Introduction to Dashboards
Static Dash Boards
Importing excel sheet data into Dashboard.
Charts like Line, Pie, Column, Bar, Staggered
Ticker and Gauge combination.
13 Sap bo online training in Chennai
Chapter 10
Live / Dynamic XCelsius Dash Boards
Introduction to Live Dashboards
Live Dash boards using Query as a Web Service and Live Office
Introducing Crystal XCelsius with SAP implementation options.
Create a Crystal XCelsius Dashboard from SAP data stored in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
Sourced through Crystal Reports or Web Intelligence
Create a Crystal XCelsius Dashboard for SAP data stored in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
created through the use of live Office
Chapter 11
A. Query as a Web Service
Usage of Query as web service
Configure and generating URL for QAWS
14 Sap bo training modules
B. Live Office
Introduction to Live Office Connections
Live office Connections Crystal Reports.
Live office Connections on Web Intelligence Documents
Chapter 12
SAP BO Voyager
Getting started with Business Objects Voyager
Using Queries to Analyze Cube Data
Using Voyager with SAP
Logging on to SAP
Chapter 13
SAP BO Widgets
Installing BI Widgets
Overview of Widgets
We offer you
1. Interactive Learning at Learners convenience2. Industry Savvy Trainers3. Learn Right from Your Place4. Customized Curriculum5. 24/7 system access6. Highly Affordable Courses7. Support after Training a. Resume Preparation b. Certification Guidance c. Interview assistance
16 SAP BO ONLINE TRAINING IN CANADA CONTACT US www.magnifictraining.com MAGNIFIC TRAINING INDIA 91-9052666559 USA 1-678-693-3475 ---gt info_at_magnifictraining.com info_at_magnifictraining.com www. magnifictraining.com
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