Title: psoriasis treatment in singapore
1Herose pharma in singapore
2Diagnosis of Psoriasis
3Who gets Psoriasis?
4Psoriasis treatment
5 Important Notes During Treatment
- 1. Wavelike Process (Immunosuppressants
withdraw syndrome) - Patients who had previously taken
immunosuppressive drugs will recover gradually in
a wavelike process due to the side effects of
withdrawal from immunosuppression, especially on
the skin areas where the corticosteroid cream was
frequently applied. The initial wavelike
situation may occur within 20 days after
treatment with Herose Psoria Capsules, as shown
in the diagram below for Group B Patients. Each
peak of the wave represents a relapse/flare-up.
However, the severity and frequency of relapses
will reduce progressively with continued
6Bowel MovementDuring the treatment, some
patients will experience thirst and feel dryness
in their mouth. The color of patients excretion
will be darker, and the odor of excretion and
urine will be of smelly cacosmia. These are
normal signs to indicate that the body is
expelling toxins.Swelling Pain in the
limbsIf more than 70 of the skin area of a
limb is affected by psoriasis, swelling and pain
will incur on the limbs lesions because the
rashes block respiration and perspiration of the
skin. This is a normal reaction. Consult your own
doctor for treatment with antibiotics eg,
Penicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Clindamycin,
etc.Partial Dry FissureIf the lesion size is
larger than 3cm x 3cm, dry fissures and painful
bleeding will occur on the recovering lesion, as
blood circulation improves. Apply vaseline on the
affected skin area. DO NOT apply corticosteroid
or immunomodulator creams.Infections by
infections cause symptoms such as stomach pain,
headache, fever and chills that will worsen
psoriatic lesions. Consult your doctors
immediately for proper treatment, but meanwhile,
please continue treatment with Herose Psoria
7Menstrual EffectsPsoriasis symptoms may be
exacerbated during menstruation, when a patient
is taking Herose Psoria Capsules. This is a
normal situation, please continue
treatment.Hair Perming, Colorings and
DetergentsThe chemicals in hair perming or
coloring lotions or detergents may irritate the
skin and exacerbate psoriasis. Avoid any hair
perming or coloring, and do wear latex gloves
when performing domestic chores during the entire
treatment period.Hypertensive Patients and
Diabetic PatientsDuring treatment with Herose
Psoria Capsules, hypertensive patients and/or
diabetic patients must check their blood pressure
and/or urine glucose index. If the blood pressure
and/or urine glucose index become low, the dosage
of hypertension and/or diabetes drugs must be
reduced accordingly.Arteriosclerosis
PatientsIf arteriosclerosis patients feel dizzy
during Herose treatment, they should reduce the
dosage of Herose Psoria Capsules accordingly.
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