Title: Guardianships: What You Need To Know
What You Need to Know
2- There may come a time when you must consider
whether someone you care for needs help seeing to
their personal affairs
3If that time comes, it helps to understand
exactly what your options are
4Guardianship Court Proceedings
5- A guardianship requires a court proceeding where
an individual is appointed as the guardian to
make decisions for the ward
6The court may authorize the guardian to control
the wards property and finances or control over
the ward himself
7Depending on the situation, the guardian may be
given control over both
8Choosing and Appointing a Guardian
9Courts have very broad discretion over who is
10- However, a spouse, adult child, parent or sibling
is usually - the most likely candidate
11Some courts will take into consideration any
preference the ward may have as to who is
12Incapacity Determination
13- The first step in the process
- is for the court to determine whether the
would-be ward - is incapacitated
14- Incapacity means the inability to make proper
decisions for ones self
15- The inability may stem from a disability,
cognitive impairment, chronic drug or alcohol use
or any other medical condition
16- Incapacity can also be either temporary or
17Duties of a Guardian
18- The primary duties of a
- guardian are to manage the
- welfare and safety of the ward
19- This may include both
- financial and personal needs
20- It is the guardians responsibility
- to protect the ward and his or her assets
21Court Supervision
22- The guardian is required to file a petition with
the court in order to obtain written permission
before making certain important decisions
23- For example, the decision to withhold life-saving
medical treatment requires a court order, - as does terminating parental rights
24- The guardian is also required to make annual
reports to the court as to the status of the ward
and the wards affairs
25Advantages and Disadvantages
The guardian remains under court supervision
The guardian has authority that is helpful when
dealing with others
27 Guardianships can be costly
The process is open to the public
Loss of power and autonomy can be humiliating
28Alternatives to Guardianship
29A durable power of attorney
Joint bank accounts
Revocable living trusts
Protective orders
Durable financial powers of attorney
Advance directives for health care
30What Should I Do?
31Regardless of the cause of incapacity, it is
imperative that the problem is not allowed to
progress to the point that they become a danger
to themselves or others
32The best course of action would obviously be to
take care of your loved one informally, with the
help of family and friends
33But, sometimes more formal management or control
is needed
34Discuss your situation and your concerns with an
estate planning attorney so you can choose the
plan that is best for you and your family
35Learn More About Guardianship in Fayetteville
36www.arkansas-estateplanning.com 479-443-0062