Title: Hazardous Substances in e-Waste
1Hazardous Substances in e-Waste
2Did you know a computer contains hazardous wastes
that have potential to harm humans or the
environment? These hazardous substances are
not harmful or a health threat to humans when
they are inside your computer or other IT
equipment, they are harmful once they enter the
environment when computers and other equipment
are disposed of in landfills.
3Toxins in your PC
Lead Proportion 10 Found in the glass of
monitors and is also used in solder found on
circuit boards Health Issues Affects the most
sensitive are the central nervous system,
reproductive system, and kidneys.
Mercury Proportion 0.01 Found in batteries,
on printed circuit boards, and in switches. Flat
panel LCD screens also contain mercury Health
Issues Mercury causes central nervous system and
kidneys. Also, it can cause permanent brain
damage with long-term exposure.
Cadmium Proportion 0.01 Found In the phosphor
coating on CRT screens, on printed circuit boards
and in batteries Health Issues Breathing
Cadmium causes sever lung damage. Long-term
exposure causes kidney damage
Arsenic Proportion 0.002 Found in Printed
circuit boards and transistors often contain
arsenic Health Issues Low levels of exposure to
arsenic causes blood cell production, and damages
blood vessels. A high amount of exposure to
arsenic causes death
Plastics / PVC Proportion 23 Found In nearly
every part of a computer, including the casing,
circuit boards, drives, monitors, wiring,
etc. Health Issues causes permanent liver
damage and can lead to liver cancer.
8 Website http//www.ecogreenitrecycling.co.uk/
Address Unit B, Hucknall Office Units, 192
Beardall St, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, NG15
7JU Email recycling_at_ecogreenitrecycling.co.uk P
hone 0115 998 7285