Title: sap is banking training online
1Sap is banking training Online
- Contact address
- Call91-9052666559
- Mailinfo_at_magnifictraining.com
- Websitewww.magnifictraining.com
2Sap is banking training Online
- Magnific training is provides SAP IS-Utilities
Online training Class course by excellent
experienced IT professionals who has more then
10 Years of real time experience Our trainers
has good training experience so that best quality
output will be delivered. All our faculty is
dedicated so that we can complete your course as
per the schedule given we also you to record the
classes from your end so that you can refer the
classes once again when ever is required.
3Sap is banking training Online
- we provide classes through online by using world
class interactive system. We also give interview
support Technical support. We market your
AFRICA. We trouble shoot your problems while you
are working we address your questions during the
Online SAP IS-Utilities training even after the
course completion. After completion of your
course we will help you to clear your interviews
and also assist you to get certified on SAP
IS-Utilities. We will give you 100 Satisfaction
and We provide best quality real time online
4Sap is banking training Online
- Introduction
- SAP Banking includes core banking and global
bank management into its training modules
schedule. This SAP training takes into
consideration single source principles, the
database, and the mechanical consistency.
5Sap is banking training Online
- SAP Banking Online training by MAGNIFIC training
Institute covers the latest and the most
comprehensive training materials and guidelines
for the enrolled students in order to get them
prepared for best industry requirement worldwide.
- SAP Banking Online training is meant for on-job
professionals who can continue with their job
while managing to attend the course from home at
their flexi time.
6Sap is banking training Online
- SAP Banking training By MAGNIFIC training
Institute is conducted by best faculties with
Professional SAP expertise and proven background
hence the training meets best quality.
7Sap is banking training Online
- SAP IS Banking is a high value program that
immediately addresses key business issues
critical to organizations active in the banking
industry. - SAP Banking Solutions Comprehensive Functionality
is designed to meet every single aspect of
Transactional Banking and Analytical Banking.
With the help of this application you can be sure
that your accounting and financial reporting
activities remain transparent and comply with
applicable international regulations.
8Sap is banking training Online
- More than 100 Financial Institutions across the
globe Choose SAP Banking Functionality to
streamline its Processes and gain considerable
lead over their competitors. - SAP Banking Solution enables you to increase
efficiency while at the same time allowing you to
further differentiate you from your competitors.
9Sap is banking training Online
- During this SAP training at IIBS, Participant
will learn about the Banking industry. Will be
familiarizing with the basic knowledge of SOA and
the idea of Banking Services. Main business
processes supported by SAP Banking Services
customer management, current accounts, loans and
cards management, payment processes etc.
10Sap is banking training Online
- Course content
- Banking Architecture
- Collateral Management
- Business Partner in Collateral Management
- Workbench for Collateral Management
- Collateral entities and Data constellations
- Collateral calculations
- Collateral Processing
11Sap is banking training Online
- Collateral Management
- Business Partner in Collateral Management
- Workbench for Collateral Management
- Collateral entities and Data constellations
- Collateral calculations
- Collateral Processing
- SAP Business partner for Financial services
- Concepts of Business partner
- Functions of Business partner
12Sap is banking training Online
- Temporal Validity
- Total Commitment
- Relationship data
- Differentiating
- Business partner information
- Bank Customer accounts
- Bank Area
- Current account
13Sap is banking training Online
- Master data
- Conditions
- Profitability Analysis
- Asset and Liability Management
- Market Risk Analysis
- Loans Management
- Deposit Management/BCA
14Sap is banking training Online
- Overview of SAP Banking Services and its main
components - Maintenance of customer data and opening a new
current account - Introduction to the product and pricing
management concept. - Presentation of the key features in the area of
payment processing and operations - Explanation of the processing of requests
concerning changes in the contracts
15Sap is banking training Online
- Overview, the basic functions and the approach of
the collateral management - Card Management functionality overview
- Master Contract Management and specification of
various options those are available for customers
to support their liquidity management processes. - Overview of the discounting functionality
introduction to Bundle pricing, calculations of
the discounts and rebates over number of
accounts. - The general principle of the end of day
processing, including the error handling and
general ledger transfer.
16Sap is banking training Online
- Overview of new functions of platform and
ESOA(Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture) - Basic principles Discussion of account
structures, payment orders and items, incoming
payment principle, due date process and condition
model - Getting started Introduction to Financial
Services Business Partner, product configuration
and reflection of a banks structure
17Sap is banking training Online
- Position management Billing and invoicing,
settlement, direct debit, incoming payments,
payment post processing, business operations - The general principle of the end of day
processing, including the error handling and
general ledger transfer. - Overview of the reporting concept SAP BI.
18Sap is banking training Online
- Overview of the Loans Management functionality
- New Business Creation of a contract, managing
insurance policies, disbursement and rescission - Introduction of country specific functionalities
- US Overdraft Protection, PDM, Dormancy
Escheat, Checks Processing - China interest calculation, withdrawal with
settlement, etc
19Sap is banking training Online_at_magnific
- Hi new batches are starts on sap is banking.
Further details contact us91-9052666559,USA
1-678-693-3475. - full course details please visit our website
net - Duration for course is 30 days or 45 hours and
special care will be taken. It is a one to one
training with hands on experience.
20Sap is banking training Online_at_magnific
- Resume preparation and Interview assistance will
be provided. - For any further details please mail us all
queries to info_at_magnifictraining.com - Magnific training is also provide sap
technologies like SAP IS OIL AND GAS,SAP IS
CRM,ORACLE(all modules),HADOOP(admin dev).
21Any questions?
- If you want to know more about SAP IS BANKING do
not to hesitate to call us.
22Thank you