Title: Consumer Rights Attorney Florida
1Consumer Rights Attorney Florida
2Consumer Fraud Attorney Robert Murphy is a trial
lawyer who practices in the area of consumer
litigation throughout the State of Florida.
Florida Consumer Rights Lawyer. In his nearly
twenty-five years of practice, Consumer Rights
Attorney Florida , Robert Murphy has actively
litigated cases under almost every aspect of the
federal and Florida consumer protection laws.
3- Our Services
- Fair Debt Collection
- Fair Credit Reporting
- Truth in Lending
- Fair Credit Billing Product liability
- Privacy rights
- Unfair business practices
- Fraud
- Misrepresentation
4Robert W Murphy - Mr. Murphy is an active
consumer rights attorney member in the National
Association of Consumer Advocates since November,
1999 and regularly attends conferences and
seminars sponsored by the organization. He has
had the distinction of lecturing to attorney
groups on commercial and consumer law issues
nationally and on a statewide basis.
5Protect Your Bills and Credit Cards-
Unscrupulous scam artists raid mailboxes to
gather renewal credit cards and bills to obtain
credit card numbers. Be aware of when your cards
and bills are due to arrive. If they are late,
contact your credit card company. Endorse all
credit cards when they arrive. Keep a record of
your credit card numbers in a secure place.
6Safety Tips When Using Your Credit Cards-
Destroy carbons and voided receipts
immediately. Check your bill against receipts
that have been kept in a secure place. If you are
not using a credit card, destroy it immediately.
Report stolen and lost cards immediately. When on
a trip, carry the name of the issuer, account
number and the toll free number of the issuer in
a secure place. Note the date, time and person to
whom you reported that your card was lost or
7Contact Us 1212 S.E. 2nd Ave Ft Lauderdale, FL
33316 PH 954.763.8660 FAX 954.763.8607 Visit
8(No Transcript)