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BIOCHEMISTRY – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Biochemistry of Nitric Oxide
M.Prasad Naidu MSc Medical Biochemistry, Ph.D.Rese
arch Scholar
  • Introduction
  • Nitric oxide a free radical which is both
    cytoprotective as well as tumor promoting agent
    is formed from L-arginine by converting it to
    L-citrulline via nitric oxide synthase enzymes.
  • The reaction product of NO with superoxide
    generates potent oxidizingagent ,peroxynitrite
    which is the main mediatorof tissue and cellular
  • Peroxynitrite is reactive towards many
    biomolecules which includes aminoacids,nucleic
    acid bases,metal containing compounds,etc.

  • Nitric oxide is also capable of directly
    interacting with mitochondria through inhibition
    of respiration or by permeability transition.
  • Reaction of NO with metal ions include its direct
    interaction with the metals or with oxocomplexes
    there by reducing them to lower valent state.
  • Excessive production of NO can be inhibited by
    inhibiting synthetic pathway of NO using both
    selective or specific NO synthase inhibitor or
    non selective NO synthase inhibitor with respect
    to isoforms of NO

  • NO was first discovered as colourless toxic gas.
  • By 1987 NO was shown to be actually produced in
    the body and its role in regulating blood
    pressure became well established
  • Two years later research revealed that NO is used
    by macrophages to kill tumor cells and bacteria
  • The discovery has opened up newer ways of
    treatment for millions of people

  • NO plays an important role in the protection
    against the onset and progression of
    cardiovascular diseases.
  • The cardioprotective effects of NO include
    regulation of blood pressure and vascular
    tone,inhibition of platelet aggregation and
    leukocyte adhesion,and prevention of smooth
    muscle cell proliferation.
  • Any disturbance in the bioavailability of NO
    leads to a loss of cardioprotective actions and
    in some cases may even increase disease

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  • Endothelial NOS
  • It is constitutively expressed in endothelial
    lining of blood vessels and depends on calcium
  • The NO produced by eNOS diffuses into smooth
    muscle cells of blood vessels and elicits cGMP
    dependent smooth muscle relaxation and thus
    increasing blood flow
  • Inducible NOS
  • This is type 2 NOS and is induced by inflammatory
    stimuli eg. Cytokines or LPS
  • It is mainly expressed in macrophages and possess
    tighly bound calmodulin
  • Its synthesis can also be induced in Gial cells,
    liver and cardiac muscle

  • Neuronal NOS
  • nNOS is constitutively expressed in post synaptic
    terminus of neurons and is calcium dependent
  • It is activated by calcium influx caused by
    binding of neurotransmittor Glutamate to receptor
    in cell membrane

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  • NO protects tissue from peroxide mediated damage
    by scavenging metal oxo species
  • It has been shown to inhibit lipid oxygenase
    activity by reacting with non heme iron at the
    active site.
  • A heme protein ,cyclooxygenase ,involved in the
    conversion of arachidonic acid to
    prostaglandin,and other related enzymes is also
    influenced by NO radical reactions and metal-NO
  • A possible mechanism accounted for cyclooxygenase
    inhibition by superoxide involves the reduction
    of ferric form to ferrous state

  • The presence of NO results in scavenging
    superoxide which besides preventing enzyme
    inactivation also converts any ferrous oxy
    adducts to active ferric state.
  • It is also reported that at low
    concentration of NO direct effects will
    predominate,while at higher concentrations
    indirect effects mediated by ONOO-
  • The production of NO in brain is very well
    established and it is quite different from other
    neurotransmitters like acetyl choline.
  • The later ,after a release from synapses,lasts
    for a few milliseconds whereas NO persists for
    seconds,coupled with its rapid diffusion,enables
    it to encompass several million synapses.

  • NO mediates DNA damage by three mechanisms.
  • 1)formation of nitrosamines.
  • 2)inhibition DNA lesions repair systems which is
    also mediated by other genotoxic systems.
  • Modification of DNA not directly by NO but by its
    oxidation products.
  • NO production is increased in patients with
    SLE,where up regulation of I NOS in normal
    appearing vascular endothelium and over epression
    of soluble vascular molecules like ICAM-1,VCAM
    and E- selectin were noted
  • There fore it appears that endothelium plays an
    active role in leukocyte and antibody mediated

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  • The indirect effect NO involves the reactions
    between superoxide and NO which leads to the
    production ofperoxynitrite,a powerful oxidant.
  • Formation of peroxynitrite is governed by the
    relative amount of NO and superoxide produced and
    also on reaction of these radicals with other
    biological components.
  • In presence of excess NO or superoxide,
    peroynitrite gets converted to nitrogen dioxide.
  • An intracellular source of peroynitrite is
    mitochondria where aerobic respiration results in
    production of superoxide and as NO concentration
    is higher in lipid layers than in cytosol,most
    peroxynitrite formed is in the hydrophobic region.

  • It has also been reported that quinone derivative
    of catechol oestrogen,which is produced by NO
    mediated oidation may form covalent adducts with
    nucleophilic groups of DNA.
  • Since human uterus and breast are site for
    hydroxylation,a possible mechanism of hormonal
    carcinogenesis associated with these organs can
    be related with increased production of
  • The peroxynitrite can also influence protein and
    enzyme function,this occurs by nitration of
    tyrosine residuesin tissues contributing to
    pathological dysfunction.

  • The indirect effect of NO can be further divided
    as oxidationand nitrosation
  • those reactions in which RNOS donate NO to
    nucleophilic groups e.g.thiols and amines ,lead
    to formation of nitrosonium adducts known as
    nitrosation reactions and condition termed as
    nitrosative stress
  • Where as when removal of electrons or
    hydroylation reactions occur,similar to those for
    ROS ,leading to oxidative stress,they are termed
    as oxidation reactions.
  • Both these reactions have different effects on
    biological systems.

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  • Pro-tumour effects of NO
  • Excess production of NO has been linked to
    endogenous human carcinogenesis.
  • Induction of apoptosis by NO has also been
    observed in culture of macrophages and pancreatic
    beta cells.
  • Macrophages exposed to nitric oxide exhibited
    typical morphology and showed typical DNA
    fragmentation indicating apoptotic cell death.
  • NO also induced cell death and showed toxic
    effects in two different cell lines viz.,CHO-AA8
    and TK6 cells highlighting the role of NO in the
    onset of mutagenesis and celldeath and the
    involvement of these processes in cancer and
    inflammatory diseases.

  • The endothelial cells synthesize NO by e NOS
    which helps in vascular permeability and
    relaxation .
  • Various tumours over express NOS.
  • A study between the relationship of malignancy
    and e NOS expression in endothelial cells of
    tumor vessels showed that astrocytic tumor
    vessels possess higher level of NO than do normal
    vessels and found that there was significant
    correlation with the proliferative potential and
    e NOS expression in tumor vessels.
  • NO perse is not capable of reacting with
    biomolecules only its reaction products lead to
    the production of RNOS e.g.ONOO which can result
    in DNA lesions.

  • Nitrosamines are formed under conditions of
    inflammation which can lead to cancer
  • NO also enhances tumor production by increasing
    the production of prostaglandin PGE2 which
    increases the permeability tumor vasculature and
    thus facilitate angiogenesis.
  • Further ,tumor growth is supported by increased
    uptake of nutrients.
  • Cells lacking Cu, Zn-SOD are reported to be more
    susceptible to NO and ONOO-.
  • RNOS have high affinity towards aminoacid with
    thiol residues required for their function. e.g.
    DNA alkyl transferases, DNA ligase,
    formamidopyrimidine glycosylase.

Anti tumour effect of NO
  • NO is capable of protecting cell from apoptosis
    or mediating apoptosis depending on the cell
  • NO is reported to protect tissue from peroxide
    mediated damage by scavenging metallooxo species.
  • It is also been reported that animal subjects
    having tumorous growth acquire the ability
    through which their tumour tissues suppress the
    expression of i NOS and thus reduce the
    concentration of NO.
  • NO is capable of suppressing metastasis by
    reducing intracellular stores of GSH or by
    blocking the adhesion of tumour cells to venular
    side of microcirculation

  • It has also been reported that NO produced in
    vasculature of brain limits the spread of colon
    cancer to the brain.
  • Liver endothelial cells produce NO which curbs
    the metastases of melanoma cells to the lungs.
  • NO is also reported to inhibit platelet
    aggregation and it reduces platelet adhesion to
    endothelial monolayers.
  • It is also reported that when cells were exposed
    to NO it resulted in DNA single strand breaks
    .However when purified DNA was exposed NO at
    concentrations as high as 1.0M,single strand
    breaks were not observed.
  • NO is also reported to protect DNA against
    oxidative stress by inhibiting fenton reaction of
    hydrogen peroxide which leads to single

  • NO synthesis may occur in organelle itself or NO
    produced outside may diffuse inside.NO may effect
    mitochondria by three main pathways.
  • 1).Inactivation of mitochondrial enzymes which is
  • 2)induction of mitochondrial permeability
  • 3)inhibition of respiration which is reversible.
  • I In addition ONOO formed outside
    mitochondria diffuses into matrix .The
    increasedconcentration of onoo- inactivates
    Mn-SOD resulting in increase of superoxide level
    and hence activating a destructive cascade of NO
    which includes

  • 1)Irreversible damage of enzymes of citric acid
    cycle e.g. aconitase,iron-sulfur centres,etc
  • 2)Inhibition of glycolysis by inactivating
    glyceraldehyde _3 phosphate dehydrogenase thus
    impairing ATP synthesis.
  • 3)Under inflammatory conditions,NADHubiquinone
    oxido reductase(complex 1) and succinateubiquinon
    e oxidoreductase(complex 2) are irreversibly
    inhibited by NO.
  • It has been found that NOS is present in
    mitochondria and that under normal conditions
    ,production of NO is well regulated.Induction of
    mitochondrial permeability transition is mainly
    caused by ONOO-which oxidizes thiols and NADPH of
    mitochondria and induces calcium efflux along
    with oxidative efflux.As a consequence,ca
    homeostasis is disrupted.Mitochondrial decrease
    in membrane potential in induction of
    permeability transition leads to increase in
    cytoplasmic ca.This is accompanied by formation
    of a protein pore in mitochondrial membrane
    resulting in the leakage of its contents.

  • Interaction with metal ions
  • NO forms iron nitrosyl complexes by binding to
    iron-sulfur clusters.e.g.NO is capable of
    inactivating aconitase due to its direct
    interaction with the enzymes heme iron nitrosyl
  • These reactions of NO with metals involve
    covalent interactions.
  • In addition various ,various metal oxygen
    complexes e.g.reaction of NO and oxyhemoglobin to
    form met-hb and nitrate also occur.This is one of
    the primary detoxification mechanisms of NO.
  • NO also rapidly reacts with hypervalent metal
    complexes and results in their conversion to
    lower valent state, thereby scavenging the
    metallo oxo species and protecting cells from
    peroxide mediated damage.

Inhibitors of NO
  • In order to study the over production of NO,
    inhibitors of NOS have been synthesized and
    investigated for their probable role in
    controlling the overproduction of NO under
    disease condition
  • NMMA (N- mono methyl arginine) competitively
    inhibits NOS
  • ADMA (Assymetric dimethyl arginine) an endogenous
    Arginine analogue acts as an NOS inhibitor
  • ADMA is seem to be increased in
    Hyperhomocystenemia, Preeclampsia
  • In eclampsia the hypertension is due to lowered
    production of NO
  • Among the synthetic analogue of L-Arginine only
    Homo-L-Arginine and Agmatine are active

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  • NO may play a significant role in articular
    damage in OA as NO stimulates synthesis of MMP s
    by chondrocytes.
  • Chondrocytes are a major source of NO ,the
    synthesis of which is stimulated by IL-1 and TNF
    and shear stress.
  • In an experimental model of OA,treatment with a
    selective inhibitor of i NOS reduced severity of
    cartilage damage

  • Enhancers of NO activity
  • S-nitroglutathione (GS-NO) is a NO donor which
    inhibits platelet agglutination.
  • N-acetyl cysteine(NAC) is a glutathione
    precursor.It protects NO from being metabolised
    by free radical scavengers and hence enhances NO
  • Measurement of nitric oxide
  • The levels of metabolic products
    (nitrites,nitrates and 3-nitrotyrosine) in blood
    and urine are markers of nitric oxide production

  • These are chemical sensors having an optical
    device or transducers and a biological
    recognition element
  • The concentration of the analyte is recognized by
    an enzyme based biosensor (catalytic reaction) or
    affinity based sensor (binding specificity)
  • When the recognition element interacts with the
    analyte a product formed or reactant consumed on
    the surface of the sensor
  • This change in property is converted by a
    tranducer to an electrical signal and quantified
  • Eg. Implantable subcutaneous glucose sensor-
    adjust dose of insulin
  • Intravascular sensors- release NO- have been
    developed to decrease the possibility of

  • Within the kidney eNOS and iNOS isoenzymes are
  • Activation of NOS has been shown to occur as a
    result of shear stress
  • Eg. Increased arteriolar tone
  • NOS has been shown to play an important role in
    regulation of human vascular tone and crucial
    role in control of blood pressure and kidney
  • It has also been found in macula densa and has
    been implicated in the regulation of Renin

  • Endothelial NOS
  • It is constitutively expressed in endothelial
    lining of blood vessels and depends on calcium
  • The NO produced by eNOS diffuses into smooth
    muscle cells of blood vessels and elicits cGMP
    dependent smooth muscle relaxation and thus
    increasing blood flow
  • Inducible NOS
  • This is type 2 NOS and is induced by inflammatory
    stimuli eg. Cytokines or LPS
  • It is mainly expressed in macrophages and possess
    tighly bound calmodulin
  • Its synthesis can also be induced in Gial cells,
    liver and cardiac muscle

  • conclusion
  • In higher vertebrates NO has key roles in
    maintaining homeostasisin vascular smooth
    muscle,neurons and in GI tract.
  • It has a definite role in regulating all aspects
    of our lives from walking,digestion,sexual
    function,pain perception and pleasure,memory
    recall and sleeping.
  • Finally ,the way it continues to function in our
    bodies will influence how we degenerate with age.
  • It has a likely role in deaths through cardio
    vascular disease,stroke,diabetes and cancer.
  • Our ability to control NO signalling and to use
    NO effectively in therapy must there fore have a
    major bearing on the future quality and duration
    of human life.

Inhibitors of NO
  • In order to study the over production of NO,
    inhibitors of NOS have been synthesized and
    investigated for their probable role in
    controlling the overproduction of NO under
    disease condition
  • NMMA (N- mono methyl arginine) competitively
    inhibits NOS
  • ADMA (Assymetric dimethyl arginine) an endogenous
    Arginine analogue acts as an NOS inhibitor
  • ADMA is seem to be increased in
    Hyperhomocystenemia, Preeclampsia
  • In eclampsia the hypertension is due to lowered
    production of NO
  • Among the synthetic analogue of L-Arginine only
    Homo-L-Arginine and Agmatine are active

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