Title: Information on dental implants in charlotte
2Dental implants is a long term solution for
missing teeth. Although, dental implant is an
artificial permanent replacement for the roots
and crown of a missing tooth, it helps people to
chew, smile, talk and look completely natural.
3Dental implants procedure can take as little as a
few weeks and as long as nine months depending on
the condition and health of the oral cavity. The
procedure requires a team comprising of a
dentist, Prosthodontist and an oral surgeon.
4- The procedure involved in making dental implants
includes - Evaluation of the oral cavity
- Placement of Dental Implants
- Attachment of Abutment
- Fixing the Crown
5- Evaluation of oral cavity
- An oral or maxillofacial surgeon will evaluate
the dental cavity to check jaw bone density and
overall dental health. When patients do not have
enough jawbone density, a bone graft will be
placed in the area of the missing tooth. In case
of any infections the dental specialist may
prescribe antibiotics and other treatments.
6- Placement of Implants
- The implant made of a thin titanium rod which
will act as the teeth root is attached to the
jawbone under the gum line. This is achieved by a
series of incisions in the gums followed by
drilling a hole in jawbone to fix the implant
properly. After fixing, the surgeon will attach a
healing cap or cover screw.
7- Recovery from the surgery
- The implant site may be painful, swollen and
bleed a lot. - The healing process may take a few weeks to four
months. - During this period bone cells will be getting
fixed to the implants, the process is known as
8- Attachment of Abutment
- The gums will be reopened and an abutment is
attached. The process is done by an oral surgeon
under a local anesthetic.
9- Fixing the crown
- After healing from the minor surgery the
prosthodontist will fix the permanent crown using
a screw or cement onto the abutment.
10- Maintaining the implant
- The success rate of dental implants is 95. But,
it is important to brush and floss the implant
regularly to prevent gum diseases which may cause
the implant to fail.
11- For reliable dental implants and other dental
procedures such as cosmetic dentistry, teeth
whitening and much more, - Visit www.minthilldentistry.com
- Contact
- Mint Hill Dentistry
- 5833 Phyliss Ln Mint Hill, NC 28227
- Phone (704) 568-801