Title: Are Kids Affected by Divorce?
1How Kids Are Affected Due To Divorce
2Why Do You Always Fight?
Ever realized what goes on in the mind of your
child when you two are arguing and
fighting? Have you never told your kid NOT TO
fight with others? When are you two gonna learn?
3Is It My Fault?
A major number of children believe that it is
their fault that their parents are arguing and
separating. They blame themselves without
realizing that the minds of grown ups are
complicated and the children are no way
4I'm Gonna Miss You...
Why are you leaving us? Can't we stay
together, mom, dad? Who am I gonna stay
with? Why can't you settle your differences?
5Will I Ever See You Together, Again?
Will we ever have dinner together again? Will
you two take me on weekend trips? With whom am
I gonna spend Christmas? Will you two be there
for my graduation?
6Contact Us
For affordable child custody lawyers, contact us
at Affordable Family Rights Address 96
Mowat Ave, Toronto, ON M6K3M1, Canada Phone
732-705-1651 Website www.affordablefamilyrights.
7Thank You